Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Five Alive!

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to my Splinterlands blog! It's Sunday already and I'm quite late making this post, the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge post launched after I had time to make the post on Thursday, and I had too many real life commitments so I'm falling a bit behind on schedule, on we go!

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This weeks Battle Mage Secrets Challenge is about the new Five Alive ruleset, in which only five monsters are allowed to be picked to have in your team, which creates a bit of a different dynamic, although not as dramatic as with the Fab Four ruleset because you then don't really have a relatively safe spot in the middle, just a front and back line.
To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

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The battle I want to share for todays post is a 39 mana Broken Arrows / Five Alive / Explosive Weaponry battle with the Life and Death splinters locked out, now we can 'only' choose five cards, 39 mana is fairly high, with an average card value of about 7, depending what kind of summoner you're going to play, in my case it was a legendary summoner so that's 6 less mana available for the monsters... With broken arrows and blast, encountering a magic team is very probable, so I felt I needed to protect myself a bit against magic, but at the same time I wanted to hit hard and fast, preferably hitting in the middle of the other team to spread out the blast damage as much as possible to maximize damage and quickly kill the other team before they can do too much damage to my monsters.. that was the plan, but sometimes the plan goes as far as the first round before it's broken... 😅

First look at the battlefield:


Yikes, that's some high level shit there! My tank is there to be fast and dodgy, and I expected magic, but this Chwala has Truestrike! I'm just below O'Shannus's Forcefield threshold and his backline is pretty weak, could I pull this off against a higher level opponent?

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Possibilus the Wise - reason: So many reasons, he's just awesome, the Trample and Reach are very lethal.
  • First position: Noa the Just - reason: Fast and evasive.
  • Second position: Kulu Mastermind - reason: Fast and Weapons Trainer, Opportunity to spread out the Blast damage.
  • Third position: Baakjira - reason: Magic protection, self heal with so much HP is very nice.
  • Fourth position: Deeplurker - reason: Opportunity to spread out the Blast damage, the Poison is nice too.
  • Fifth position: Pelacor Bandit - reason: Fast and evasive, high damage for only 3 mana.

The Battle:


Round 1: Wow my strategy worked perfectly, hitting fast and hard, Deeplurker killed the low HP healer and was able to get another attack in because of the Trample, MORE blast damage killing Pelacor Bandit too, leaving the backline very vulnerable.


Round 2: That went fast, only one enemy monster left, no way he's winning this, Baakjira is healing for 5 every round while my team is doing 10 damage in a round.


Round 3: Deeplurker made the kill, and it's already over!

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

That's a pretty cool win! lately I'm trying to compete more in Modern but it's so damn hard, I'm facing a lot of max level decks even in Silver rating, only yesterday with 2 days left in this season I got to Silver 1, with a max gold deck!
I was listening to the townhall when I was driving home from my job on Friday, Matt explained that in Wild, players can reach a lot higher than what is supposed to with their decks, and it's true, I'm reaching Diamond I every season before I switch to Modern (and get my ass kicked).
I Modern, quite the opposite is happening Matt said... because the vast number of players playing in Modern are max level players, now I understand why I'm having such a hard time advancing, and I have never had such bad rewards in an entire season as this one because I'm not getting a lot of glint this way.
At this moment, my season reward is only 33k glint 🙁 so hopefully the plans to put in match liquidity bots in Modern help to get things back to normal, all in all there's A LOT of FUD and negativity in the community, big changes have happened which in the long run are made to make things better, I say let Matt do what he's planning to do and see where he brings us and have some faith!

That's it for this week guys, back to my ranked battles, maybe I meet you on the battlefield and if not, I hope to catch you on my next post!

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Thank you for reading!!!

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Have a great day!

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