Battle Mage Secrets: Equal Opportunity using the Water splinter

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Good morning everyone! I hope you're having a 4 days weekend like me as well 😁. Enough time to make more Splinterlands content!
This weeks Battle Mage Secrets post is about the Equal Opportunity ruleset, to find out how you can take part in the challenge yourself, read the splinterlands post here.

First a little side note, I noticed card prices are dropping HARD since the SPS Requirements got announced in the last Town Hall, when I listened to one of Dwayne's video's (I listen to them while driving for work) I started tracking my own deck value, I used to just look at it every few weeks,
last time I checked, a couple of weeks back, it was just above $1k but damn it's going fast!
This happened last week:

11-05-2023 $712.77
12-05-2023 $719.39
14-05-2023 $724.14
15-05-2023 $711.63
17-05-2023 $672.21
18-05-2023 $641.88

The way I see it, this can only mean one thing right? people (probably mostly bot farms who owned cards) are leaving the game, dumping their cards on the market.
Good time to start buying, at least if you believe in the future of this game!

I understand why they're doing it, but man, for normal people the numbers are high! I was planning to buy a common land plot, but now I can't because I have to buy SPS to keep earning the same rewards I was getting in Silver 1.
The only real problem I have is I can't sell my earned SPS now when the price spikes again in the next bull cycle.

Let me know your opinion in the comments!

My guild is still looking for players, new or experienced, 2 guilds, 1 free to play.
You can read more in this post.

Back to the main topic...

In this weeks ruleset, all units gain the Opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.

so some thoughts first...

  • no place for glass cannons, unless they're camouflaged.
  • speed is important here, you want to strike first.
  • (void) armor gives you some more time to strike.
  • the martyr ability is a real game changer in this ruleset.

For me, speed is the most important stat in this ruleset, and my first choice would be Kelya Frendul

Kelya Frendul small.png

hitting first and hitting hard while getting some extra protection with the +1 armor, not against magic attacks though.
When water is unavailable, my choice would be Grandmaster Rathe.

You could already see it in the thumbnail, the abilities I'm using for my strategy are Double Strike, and Martyr.
If you're not using martyr card(s) in this ruleset, you're missing out!


This battle is on my alt account, probably against a bot because melee cards where played in a Briar Patch / Equal Opportunity match 😅.

I couldn't get a Equal Opportunity battle with the possibility to use Melee cards, my standard line-up for this ruleset varies a bit from the one I'm using here, because I like to include this beauty as well:


When the mana cap allows it, I like to put Kelp Initiate in tank position, Diemon Shark second, Oshannus third, Coastal Sentry fourth, Venari Marksrat fifth, and Axe Master in the last slot, so the martyr ability will boost BOTH double strikers.

That's the beauty of this game, you can combine and vary in your line-ups endlessly, with the Briar Patch I had to adjust a little...

The Line-Up:
  • Summoner: Kelya Frendul - reason: Mainly the +1 speed, the +1 armor is a nice extra protection also.
  • First Position: Kelp Initiate - reason: it's fast and only 2 mana, protecting any card with 5 HP or up for a little while longer. With 5 base speed and 1 extra from Kelya it's pretty evasive.
  • Second Position: Djinn Oshannus - reason: very fast, evasive, void, high HP and does magic damage himself
  • Third Position: Venari Marksrat - reason: the martyr ability! this unit will die first, boosting the stats of Axe Master and Magi of Chaos.
  • Fourth Position: Axe Master - reason: Good speed, ok archery damage, double strike!
  • Fifth Position: Magi of Chaos - reason: I needed another magic or ranged attacker, it's 2 magic damage and decent HP made me choose it.


Mana Cap: 30, considered medium.
All splinters are open to be picked.

The Battle:


Round 1: 3 Melee monsters in a Briar Patch battle isn't the best move (bot probably). He did include the martyr card. In this round, both martyr cards died, boosting stats of the surrounding cards. I would've switched Nerissa Tridawn and Deeplurker to get the extra magic damage...


Round 2: My Kelp Initiate didn't dodge a lot of attacks because the enemy team was fast also, both tanks died, not much else happened, making this a 3 vs 3 battle going to the next round.


Round 3: While his damage output is higher, I've got 2 magic attackers and not getting thorns damage. Magi of Chaos died at the end of this round though.


Round 4: 2 vs. 3 now, I've got more Health Points... Axe Master is hitting like a truck, 6 damage every round.


Round 5: 2 vs. 2 again, but not for long, OShannus killed Nerissa at the start of round 5, and right after, Axe Master killed Deep Lurker.


another win in the pocket, and a little SPS earned. I need so much now! 🙃

you can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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