Watch, Learn, Earn : Poison and Throne Best Ability at Low Mana in The Champions League battle!!!

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Hello Splinterlands Game Fighters, hope you are in Best Condition health and can always play this game.

On this occasion, I will make a post that seems like this game player has never or rarely made it. Namely by viewing or reviewing the strategy in the match, visiting the Top battle in Splinterlads.

I think that in reality there are two ways of learning, namely learning directly in the field or learning by learning the ways of others. In splinterlands I think the same, sometimes we immediately look for matches and then think with our own strategy or by watching other people's matches and copying their strategy. hence the idea arose to make this post.


For this time, as a start, I will try to see one of the matches by focusing on Low Mana.






moriarty95 with +- 16 Million Power Against cimmeron with -+ 1 Million Power



  • Leagues = CHAMPION
  • Match Format = MODERN
  • Close Range, Armored UP & Stampede
  • Cards = Water and Death Cards cant be use on Match
  • manacaps = 14

Moriarty95 LINE UP

Mylor Crowling8When hit with a Melee attack, does damage back to the attacker, Has an upper cap of 2, Summoner Mylor Crowling gives this ability to every friendly monster at the start of a battle
Failed Summoner10 to be a victim and magic attack refflec, Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Monsters, increase health all monster
Fungus Fiend4Reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters
Epona4 Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage, This monster is immune to negative status effects, The first time the Monster takes damage it is ignored, increase health all monster
Doctor Blight4 When a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed, This Monster cannot be targeted for attacks unless it's in the first position, Attacks have a chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied, Gains 1 max health each time any monster dies, Reduces the Health -1 of all enemy Monsters
Acid Shooter6 This monster's attacks hit a random enemy target, Each time an enemy is hit by a Monster with Cripple it loses one max health, Attacks have a chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied
Halfling Alchemist6 Each time this Monster hits a target, the target's attack is cut in half (rounded down), When this Monster dies, it does 1 damage to all enemy monsters,

Cimmeron UP

Tarsa8 Attack +1 , Health +1, to All Monster in Line Up
Radiated Scorcher10to be a victim and Target's armor is destroyed when hit by an attack from Monsters with Shatter
Scorch Fiend4Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Monsters
Ant Miners10 Gains 1 max health each time any monster dies and Reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks
Living Lava8 Reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks, Reduces the Armor of all enemy Monsters and When hit with a Melee attack, does damage back to the attacker (-2)





  • As Usual Round 1 started with Buffs and De-Buffs from Both Sides
  • Turn 1 Acid Shooter attacks the ant miners
  • Turn 2 Radiated Scorcher attacks Failed Summoner
  • Turn 3 Halfling Alchemist Attacks Radiated Scorcher which results in death then the first position is occupied by Scorch Fiend
  • Turn 4 Fungus Fiend Attacks Living Lava
  • Turn 5 Scorch Fiends attacked the Failed Summoner because of the Throne effect he died alone then the first position was occupied by Ant Miner
  • Turn 6 Ant Miner Attacking Failed Summoner takes throne effect minus 2 Health
  • Turn 7 Doctor Blight attacks Ant Miner -2 Helath is also poisoned
  • Turn 8 Living Lava attacks Halfling Alchemist minus 4 Health



  • Turn 1 Ant Miner due to the poison effect minus -1 Health then died, then the tank position or the first position is occupied by Living Lava
  • Turn 2 Doctor Blight's poison effect reduces Health -1, Acid Shooter attacks Living lava only reduces its armor
  • Turn 3 Halfling Alchemist Attacking Living Lava reduces Living Lava's Attack by half to 2 Attacks remaining
  • Turn 4 Fungus Fiend Attacks Living Lava , Fungus kena Throne minus -2 Health
  • Turn 5 Doctor Blight Menyerang living lava minus -2 Health
  • Turn 6 Living Lava Attacking Failed Summoner is affected by missing throne armor



  • Turn 1 Effect of Poison Doctor Blight minus -2 Health living lava, Acis Shooter attacks Living Lava causing loss of armor
  • Turn 2 Halfling Alchemist Attacking Living Lava minus -1 Health , Fungus Fiend Attacks Living Lava has no effect instead causing throne and death
  • Turn 3 Doctor Blight Ends this match with his magic attack


If you want to watch the excitement of this match, please press the text below or watch my Youtube dont forget to support my youtube channel by Subscribe like and drop a comment please

LINK STREAM Via Splinterlands


My Opinion About This Match

This match is very interesting because the Low Mana many monsters will get better and abilities such as Throne, Poison and Strangten which Increase Health will be very influential because of the survival or resistance of monsters. Armor breaking effects such as halving, Rust are also very influential.

One important monster in this match is Doctor Blight because with his camouflage ability he will not be touched by the enemy also with the addition of the poison ability it indirectly reduces the Health of the enemy who is hit by his attack and the scavenger ability will increase the survival or resistance of this monster's blood.



Thank you to the curators from the splinterlands team who have curated my previous posts, keep up the enthusiasm in curating, don't get tired of curating my posts.
Thank you to the voters/likes that I cannot mention one by one, because of you I feel motivated
And Thank you for reading my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this monster. Let me know if you got another view about this monster on comment section.



All images taken from Splinterlands website @splinterlands
Wonderfull Dividers taken from my friend @kyo-gaming in this Post LINK
Thumbnail created using Photoshop
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