NFTy Arcade Player Onboarding Progress

People have been asking for some updates regarding NFTy Arcade and our progress so far! Let's talk about what we've accomplished, what we are working on and some of the challenges we are facing.

Onboarding Guilds
We've officially partnered with the following player guilds:
Metanomy ~ 500 players
Metaverse Go ~ 8000 players
Passion Games Guild ~ 300 players
Morfyeus ~ few thousand players

We are also working closely with IndiGG which I will dedicate a specific section to
IndiGG ~ 500MM+ players

It takes time for these guilds to market to and onboard their players so let's dive into where we are progress wise.
Metanomy - 50 players onboarded onto our platform
Metaverse Go - Still setting up community messaging and preparing to onboard players
Passion Games Guild - Still preparing community messaging
Morfyeus - Multiple AMAs postponed that were intended to start the marketing efforts. Working on nailing this down.
IndiGG - Working on 12 month marketing campaign with Chatter and Weirdbeard to market to IndiGG community and start onboarding their players. Campaign still in ideation phase.

We believe there is some massive potential with IndiGG who have hundreds of millions of players per their public facing social profiles. [](IndiGG Linkedin)

This campaign will be a large effort over a 12 month period and will begin once it is all ironed out. Launch date TBD

Well, couldn't this have been done without NFTy Arcade? In short, no. Paraphrased from the IndiGG reps themselves, they had written off Splinterlands due to complexity, and capital constraints. NFTy provides a Free-to-Play option that they can now get behind and market to their community. This is the same response with all guilds we speak to and new/returning players we onboard.

What about onboarding other new players?
Onboarding brand new players has proven fairly difficult, but according to our latest estimates we've been able to onboard 20 brand new players through organic efforts of our community and 50-75 (a little harder to estimate) returning players that had previously departed from the Splinterlands ecosystem. Not all of these people are currently borrowing Splinterlands bronze decks as they've wanted to advance to higher level decks after short periods of time.

What is next?
We think that onboarding will still need to be largely influenced by upcoming marketing campaigns, but we are excited about the Wasder partnership.

As of now, outside of our platform there is still no free way for brand new players to come in and experience the game and get them excited about staying longer and purchasing their own assets.

What about possible exploits of the NFTy Platform?
We field questions of this nature fairly often, but let's break down potential exploits and what we are doing to combat them.

Bots - We have beefed up our own detection algorithm. We are also working with Splintermate, Archmage and Xbot by providing them with list of addresses from our platform that are currently borrowing decks to prevent botting on those addresses.
Existing players farming rewards - We only allow an individual person to play 1 Splinterlands sponsored bronze deck at a time. We are also implementing a 60 day time limit for using the Splinterlands sponsored decks. The amount of cards and SPS that can be farmed from a bronze level account earning 40% of SPS rewards over 60 days is incredibly small. This time limit has not even been reached yet for any person, as the decks have not been live for 60 days.

We've reached out to 100+ guilds individually. Many guilds are nonresponsive and may have even closed down.
We've also attended events where we marketed Splinterlands and created organic referral campaigns within our community all on our own dime.

NFTy Arcade has very little resources as it pertains to marketing spend, so we have to be thrifty, clever and most importantly gritty.

We believe that targeted campaigns towards certain communities in the Philippines, and MTG communities would prove fairly effective but lack resources to effectively implement any type of campaign at scale over time. We believe that any combined efforts from the Splinterlands community towards either of these two endeavors would be effective as there is an option for these new players to come in and player Splinterlands for free for a certain period of time!

Overall, has this been successful?
In our opinion, it's too early to tell. One month is not a lot of time to start a movement and engage multiple communities and get them onboarded. We are incredibly excited about IndiGG and the implications of this campaign and the implications for any brand new player coming into the ecosystem who can now start playing for free for a limited time while earning limited rewards.

That said, we are beholden to the Splinterlands team and to the community and at any point in time if the consensus is to shut down the experiment we have no qualms. This was an experiment and we simply built a platform for which we saw a need.

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