The Bots Doth Provide


Link to Battle:

Battle Rules:
40 Mana
Divine Shield


Choosing the Home Team
Going into this battle I was pretty sure I was up against a Bot since the battle history was pretty consistently blue magic:

  • Chose Obsidian (+1 Magic) Summoner because.... Daily Focus.
  • GF Gargoya Lion for the Void ability and the extra rewards/focus points.
  • Centauri Magi for the Armor Repair ability + Magic damage.
  • Goblin Psychic for Heal, Silence, Affliction
  • Mushroom Seer for Silence (double silence seems to work well against blue magic)
  • Queen Mycelia for Protect and Triage
  • Rounded off with Iza the Fanged for Stun and Sneak
    All in all came in at 36/40 mana.


Bot Team:
Not surprisingly, came in with blue magic:

  • Alric Stormbringer (+1 Magic)
  • The Kraken with Taunt and Demoralize
  • Crustacean King with Heal and Protect
  • Ruler of the Seas with Blast, Swiftness, and Silence
  • Phantom of the Abyss with Flyin, Dodge, and Demoralize
  • River Nymph with cleanse
  • Albatross with Flying and Heal
    Came in at 39/40 mana


Battle Results
It was a long drawn out battle trying to break the Kraken supported with double heal and cleanse, but luckily the Gargoya Lion supported with double silence and heal was able to deal just enough damage before going off to Valhalla, and with the Kraken down, I was able to steal a Win~

Post Mortem
I wasted a bit of mana tyna be cute with Iza the Fanged to gamble on some RNG Stuns. Rounding out the mana and going full DPS with either:

  • Regal Peryton 2 magic DPS
  • Magi of Chaos 3 magic DPS
    Would boost win rate significantly (from ~55% to ~80% and 100% respectively)

Counter Logic
One scary thought would be if The Kraken was swapped out with Wave Brood... This board would be completely flipped against me... with a guaranteed loss...
To this end, I would need to get my hands on a leveled Unicorn Mustang to defeat the Wave Brood lineup.


Closing Thoughts
Although we dislike the bots, they still provide decent content and opportunities to learn and theory craft.

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