Splinterlands:One man’s meat!

Weak rewards i know. However they are agents to the next gold legendary i will get as i start opening rebellion packs in th near future.

Most times a lot of things look insignificant in the present only to make you the happiest man in thw world on another. Capacity of production is built beat by bit and thats a side of the game that we neglect because we are used to getting the most out of the game always.

Not to speak against the desire of plenty which is a promise of crypto and Web 3. But a reminder for you whose been having a busy day that shows no rewards.

Sounds like i am easily impressed right. Well those are the rewards i got from playing a few games after a long days work that gave me no chance to push ahead at my game play.

However, that was me finding camfort in how bad the rewards have been of late. A thing that keeps me playing splinterlands is the game play and many options to play.

Anyone that has been playing morden of late will realize that can only happen in the morden format, where the competition has been stiff of late that playing feels like a waste of time.

Untamed cards have been getting in the way of progress personally i can not wait for rebellion. Guess the games will be more balanced and everyone will get to enjoy the game once again.

Competion has been so stiff that i have been thinking others are still using bots in moredn, which would not suprize me. The game promised earning and people are doing all that they can to make the most out of the game.

On top of all this the market has just shot up and am back to waiting for it to bottom again. I am not hapy woth my current stack of crypto and i think i can still get some more. Before the crazy candles come those candles that make you wonder weather a tocken will ever be cheap again.

Strabgely i am not moved by the markets at the moment i do have a strong belief there is going to be a major pull back and the market is going to reward everyone that has been in the market through out the bear market.

However if trends dont change i will have to start aping in and hope to be part of the second waive of the raise as i believe the markets dont go up in a liner fashion dips are still going to happen. Perhaps we are back into the buy the dip phase and the dip wont go deeper.

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