My Rental adventure 2023 - 17 weeks later, as 100K SPS milestone was achieved

Splinterlands latest news are:

  • Guild redo is on the cards, as I just listened to the Town Hall, even with some new buildings, and now we got some Guild Points, from our DEC and DEC-B donations, the good news is that we can get 90% of our guild points back as we leave the guild, with 10% remaining to the guild as penalty for leaving.
  • The unique promo card playable for both Life/Death, Zyriel, is here, for 160K DEC, or 80K DEC and 160 Vouchers, quite expensive, so I just bought one level 1 card, to see how it is.
  • The proposal to implement anti-bot features in the Modern Format passed, but I must to admit, I am curious to see how it is reinforced.
  • Secret of Pretoria 1.5 Land Whitepaper is out, and I can probably can make few articles about it. This is the short version, with the most important bits. We have 150 regions with 1000 lands each, so the total number is 150.000. All teritories have 20-22 regions. There are 14 different terrain types, 4 rarities (common, rare, epic, legendary), and the resource type can be natural, magical or Occupied. Each region will have a castle and 10 keeps, this specific plots can collect taxes and fees from the entire region. We have Starter packages, that can be bought with DEC-B and DEC, doing different things. Important bit is that some contain free Power Sources, as each plot need one to work, and if you buy it is 5000 DEC. Up to 5 cards can be staked normally, to get resources, construct building and so one, and the Alpha Beta etc are better than Chaos, Legendary are better than common, and Gold are better than Regular. Max level is the best one too. Think about this and how the market will boom when the land is here. You need 10K DEC to stack a max level card, and less if the card is lower level. There is a Production Points (PP) system and the better your staked cards and the land rarity, the bigger is the production. Plots needs to be cleared, and you use production points for it. Magical lands research the Secret of Pretoria, Occupied lands mine SPS. Runi gives you an extra card spot to stake. Runi, Totems, titles, can be used to boost production. There is a resource called Grain, consumed by workers to achieve 100% production. Less Grain, less production. Harvesting will be similar to claiming staking rewards. Any change to the plot will trigger auto-harvest. On the version 1.5 there is a 10% tax on all harvest. Transporting Grain or other resources from one region to another implies a 12.5% transportation fee. Cards can be staken instantly, but needs a 3 days cooldown when unstaked. Below you can see the new roadmap.

This was my latest test for Splinterlands, as I was still playing for the Guild Brawls, and I rented most of my cards. But now I am getting them back, trying once more to rise to the ranks, all the way to Champion. I am upgrading some cards and renting them, if they are duplicate, and I still need to max my last 3 Chaos Legion core cards remaining, but this week I was focused on achieving the last bits needed to reach 100K SPS. Now that this is done, I can focus on upgrading cards again. Looking good, isn't it?

"100k sps.png"

Rental stats:


Cards 760/795

Cards 39,360/39,730BCX

CP: 1,002,173 (5,775) (195,553)

Account Worth: 15,500.826 $

Rental Income: 237.840/349.690 DEC

7.0% y ROA

Rental Expenses: 0.000 DEC

For Sale: 19.730 $

As I have started this few season ago (beginning of November), these are my stats:

Chaos Legion packs unopened: 418 (+2)

Riftwatchers packs bought: 154 (none)

Riftwatchers packs unopened: 3 (none)

Cards upgraded and rented:


Other than that, I will buy cards for my remaining 3 Epic cards from the Chaos Legion collection, and I still need 25 for Magi of Chaos, 13 for Forgotten One and 23 for Wave Brood. I am close to finish it. And then, finally, I can focus on Rift Watchers.

The strategy was to use the DEC from rentals to upgrade fully Chaos Legion set (on Core cards I have 3 epics left to max up, on Riftwatchers I have left to upgrade 13 common, 12 rare, 6 epics and 7 legendary cards). I want to buy some max level Gold and legendary cards, if possible, to get 5 lands fully prepared (1 Keep and 1 Castle, and the 3 occupied ones). In the same time I need to get some more RW packs, already started to buy them, one by one, now that CL ended, and use the GLX and SPS rewarded from now on to upgrade some cards. Vouchers still go on Tribaldex for more SPS farming (Voucher - Hive pair). I will adjust the strategy as I go.

All the best,


Why not...

...have fun and win rewards on my favorite blockchain games (Splinterlands- Hearthstone-like card game) (Mobox - GamiFI NFT platform) and (Rising Star - Music creators game).

...get crypto while writing on Publish0x blog, using Presearch search engine to maximize your income with PRE tokens. Use Torum instead of Twitter . I am also writing for crypto on and Hive.

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