Splinterlands Do's and Don't after EOS and Silver Line Up Tips


Splinterlands players after end of season,restarts the game rank depending on the highest league attained before end of season.

For the first couple of days, it is really difficult to gain winstreak due to those pro players that grind in lower leagues.

Some of the players recommends everyone to play after a day or two but here's my observation.

You have to grind from the day one already because the reward pool decreases immediately. The lower the reward pool the lower the reward for each win game.

My rank for this season starts at 700mmr. I was really eager to grind that is why I've made a very wrong decision for this one.

I have rented gold cards without knowing that I will not gain winstreak. I invested 300 dark energy crystal with 70k power from just 700mmr without knowing that that investment is way too expensive for such scenario. I forgot to screenshot my game that is why I cannot insert any photo here.

Overall after grinding, I only gained 100+ dec and I was negative 200dec for profit.

If we thought about renting pure gold cards for the entire line up of a single element. I tell you, It is not worth it especially when you've started from the low rank.


Because of that wrong move of mine, for my second account, I wanted to do it right.

Here's my line up from Bronze 2 to Silver 3. Spending only 50dec. But of course the power is insufficient to climb up to silver.

Here's what I did. After I grind using only earth elements and gained 1030rank after which is Silver 3. I waited for my ECR to regenerate until it is full before I opened the daily chest for silver.

I don't know if some if you do this kind of method but this is just my observation and hypothesis.

It is really a hard times for us NFT players this bear season but let's still hope and pray that 2022 will be a great year ahead for us.

May the odds be in favor. ❤️

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