Splinterlands Secret Card Balances Revealed!


Understanding balances is a good brain exercise to improve your strategy and it's very easy to see how knowing every card and what it does is an advantage. Need a little help knowing what card has what ability? Here is a tool I love Abilities

Some cards have exact mana's and abilities but are in different splinters(colors). This is an obvious way of balancing but the splinterlands team wouldn't make all the cards this way. That would make strategy too easy and not as fun.

Here are some exact copies and close to it


Now think over cards in the same mana count with different abilities and how their strength is balanced. Match your cards with the ruleset in what you want to accomplish offense and defense.

Here are two mana cards with completely different abilities:


Notice how their overall strength is kept similar.

It helps to match your strategy goal with the mana cap available quickly.

Use case is king and that's why the new queen and blight are such expensive cards. It is useful in many different cases at the 4 mana drop.


Hope this post and thought exercise helps your game!

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