Some Wordclouds

Hey everyone, here Im again! :)

Today Im going to show some wordclouds, all them are generated by the last 10000 tweets

containing three hashtags: splinterlands, splintertalk and play2earn.

First, what is a wordcloud?

According to Cambridge Dictonary, a wordcloud is an electronic image that shows words used in a particular piece of electronic text or series of texts. The words are different sizes according to how often they are used in the text

So, lets start:


Here we can view that community is talking alot about sps, packs and vouchers. Its possible to see that are some words from brazilian players (yupi!).



Wow, in splintertalk we can see sps again, dragons (maybe because of the splinterlands challenge?), chaos legion (community is highly excited to this, huh?) and challenge (9this is pretty nice way to incentive the community to talking about the game).

Lastly, the:


Here I'll let you guys to comment about what you founded, here is an image that I founded in the wordcloud.


So, with this I finish this post, thanks for the reading.

Keep in mind, splinterlands require dedication, but it'll reward you!
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