Rent a Kitty and a Kraken for silver 3: Is it profitable?


Hello everyone, as most of you know, the first days of the season are usually quite complex in terms of achieving good results in low leagues such as silver 3, because as a result of the rating reset, you usually find many players with cards at levels higher than those yours and with a considerable advantage in terms of variety of cards. As a result of this and in order to arrive and take advantage of the good rewards at the beginning of the season in silver 3,I rented a "Byzantine Kitty" and a "The Kraken" of level 1 both, well, I tell you how it was to play with these cards and how profitable it was.

Byzantine Kitty

Byzantine Kitty is a summoner released in the Untamed edition that belongs to the dragon class and is of legendary rarity. Its use requires a cost of 7 mana and has the following bonuses:
  • All friendly monsters have +2 speed.
  • All friendly monsters receive the True Strike ability at the start of the battle.
  • This summoner will heal the monster in the first position on their team each round.

The Kraken

The Kraken is a monster released in the Reward edition that belongs to the Water class and is of legendary rarity. Using it requires a cost of 12 mana and has the following characteristics and abilities at level 1:
  • Has 4 points of melee damage.
  • Has 4 speed points
  • It has 3 shield points.
  • Has 14 life points.
  • It has the Taunt ability that forces all enemy monsters to take this as an attack target (if they are able to)

Generally I try to play both cards together in the same battle but it does not always happen due to certain rules of battles, mana limits or banning of the splinters, in case they let me play both splinters I always try to also place the Crustacean King, the healing of this together with that of Kitty and the excellent life of Kraken make this a very good combination. Be very careful of the combat rule that prevents healing abilities as well as cards that prevent healing, so it is always recommended to analyze the opponent's cards before starting to create your strategy. Likewise, if you do not have both splinters, you can combine the Kitty with many other cards such as the life splinter using the Shieldbearer as a tank, something similar to the function of the Kraken and Mother Khala or Venari Crystalsmith in the function of healing support as well than the Crustacean King. Next, I share several links of replays of some battles where I use these cards, both together and independently, I hope you like them and they are helpful.

Analysis of rentability

The rental of both cards had a cost of 47 DEC, which for players with a low budget or low level of acquisition in the game can be difficult, and in total counting all my rentals I spent 70.3 dec. All that to have enough power to play in silver 3 and to be able to be competitive. After the end of the ranked battles day, I played a total of 47 battles of which 26 resulted in victory, which represents 55.3% of the total battles. I managed to rise from 751 to 1150 rating, decreasing DEC capture ratio from 81% to 56%. In total, I obtained about 394.6 DEC from the rewards in the battles, so subtracting what was spent on rents I had a net profit of 324.3 DEC, which represents a total profit of 461.6% with respect to what was invested in rents.

DEC spentDEC obtainedProfits%ProfitsBattles%Victories


Although I had considerable returns on investment and therefore could be considered quite profitable, there are things you have to know and consider before renting these types of cards. If you want them to be used in bronze, I must tell you that it is not recommended, because generally in these leagues there is almost always a very low level of mana for the battle and these cards are not cheap in terms of mana cost, in addition when it is not about the required mana you can find that these are banned for the game, all this will make the use of these is quite limited in this league, so if you manage to place them both in those low leagues you will have great chances of winning. Already in silver the mana begins to be more abundant and you have great possibilities of aligning these both together and separately.

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