The New Love Affair: Llama and Quora.

The love affair Llama and Quoara.gif

Good Morning Splinterlands Friends;

Have you heard the news? There's a new love affair in town:
Quora Towershead and Scarred Llama Mage

Now, I have always been on TEAM YODIN + CHIMNEY WALLSTOP! They're basically my go-to line up in brawls. Perhaps it was because I didn't have a QUORA, and I didn't know the magic, that I put my arguments forward.

But then last brawl, I got, basically, the most epic open of my Splinterland days! Check it out:

It certainly raised the initial wondering: am I more excited about the GOLD Bertol Gibson, or am I more excited about the Quora Towershead?


Perhaps I got my answer when I loaded up my brawls this week, and my first battle gave me the opportunity to use the EARTH Splinter - and I choose Quora!

Here's a video of the battle; it only lasts 17 seconds! Quora beasts my opponent's line up, which on any other day, was absolutely amazing!

The Ruleset:

As it turned out, this ruleset was made for Quora. Normally if I seen EARTH and 18 mana, I'd jump straight on Kron and never look back! But, in this battle, Kron is banned, which means my only choice is Quora. That of course only gives me 17 mana - so in theory, I could have played a 1 mana card in this battle too - but, I choose not to - I didn't know if my opponent would play a Gladiator card or not and I certainly didn't want to allow him to activate a bloodlust! As Quora is an EPIC card, not a LEGENDARY, she fits in incredibly well!


You can see on the opening of the battle that my opponent has put together an amazing attack. In an 18 mana battle, using Alric has given him 8 magic attack! That would normally be enough to rip through an opponent's tank and get on to knocking down the second line. When I seen this initial line-up, I actually gulped.


Last Stand - Llama's love:
In evaluating the battle position, I had actually left something out. I forgot that my Llama's LAST STAND needed to activate - and, when it did - I was absolutely blown away! As Quora jumps up to 20 health and 6 attack. This will give her all she needs to thump through the opposing team and have enough health to continue to heal herself - despite my opponent's 8 magic attack. When I seen LAST STAND activate, I was pretty darn confident.


As Round 2 gets underway - My position was about to get a whole lot better. I could see that I was going to have the first two hits in the round, and that my first hit would take out my opponent's NERIDA, and the second the ICE PIXIE. The thing about GLADIATOR cards is, they have the BLOODLUST ability. This allows them to gain stats each time they defeat an opponent - essentially meaning that my unfair advantage would grow and grow and grow!


Heading into Round 3 - the love affair is nearly complete - the QUORA TOWERSHEAD card has grown from an absolutely epic beast, into something far greater!! Staring down my opponent's final card, well - there is no fear and no doubt in my eyes about where this battle is heading.


And with her final kill, her bloodlust is again activated - Moving this beast to a total of 12 attack! 8 speed! and a whooping 23 health. Is there any team that you could put against Quora which would lead to her demise? If so, I'm yet to see it!



You know, I really enjoyed using Quora and Llama together. They had an absolutely awesome synergy. In my brawls this week, I did terribly. I went 3-3. This was my worst brawl EVER. In my current guild, my win rate is over 75% (Well, not any more). I left the brawl feeling a bit down, but - this battle was the highlight. It gave me confidence to know that I'm only going to continue to improve in time as my collection develops - and that is something worth celebrating.

In brawls, we use the home field advantage of banning opponent's Llamas. This is a good strategy because while Quora is amazing, it's the love she shares with Llama which makes her truly POP!

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