Splinterlands - Season Ending Rewards and Account Update (Weekly Post)


It was a frustrating season for me as I was unable to get to gold league to earn more end of season chests. To further compound this I only was able to earn best reward card this season a rare out of the 18 chests I had to open. In the end it is a season I wish to forget.

Today's daily quest was death splinter and it did not turn out any better. From the get go I was unable to get a win let alone finish the quest. This is getting more and more competitive then I thought and I have to plan as to what to do next before it gets worse.

In regards to my account I am still mostly at level 3 rare summoners so not going to be easy to get out of Silver League yet again. I do hope to save enough to purchase untamed legend summoners even if its at level 1 as it will likely be a decent upgrade for my collection. Trouble is the legend summoners price is appreciating faster than I can save that amount.


The card values in $s is gaining relentlessly so it is difficult to boost up my collection now compare to even just six months ago. I have to deal with what it is today by saving my winnings to accumulate enough to purchase key cards that can help my campaign to higher ranks.

This is my current daily reward:


As the game gets more players it seems there will be more hurdles to get to higher ranks. I am still hopefully and will continue to play daily. This is my favorite game and will not let it go so easily.


Until tomorrow happy Splinterlands to everyone.


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