Splinterlands Weekly Challenge: Radiated Brute


The lineup

Radiated Scorcher

Forgotten One

Radiated Brute

Chaos Agent


Living Lava

Djinn Apprentice

Scavo Chemist

Radiated Scorcher

The strategy

Noxious Fumes and Healed out combined rule sets make it complex (but not that much as Noxious Fumes and Earthquake) topped up with a mid-low mana score. Where every splinter but Water was available. I thought that mostly sure my opponent would use Fire, because of the Scavo Chemist with cleanse. I'd use my recently acquired Forgotten One to try it out and see if it could withstand the increased melee damage.

Los conjuntos de reglas combinados de Noxious Fumes y Healed out son complejos (pero no tanto como Noxious Fumes y Earthquake) y para completar una puntuación de maná media-baja. Donde todas los splinter excepto el de Agua estaban disponibles. Pensé que casi seguro que mi oponente usaría Fuego, debido al Scavo Chemist con Cleanse. Usaría mi recientemente adquirido Forgotten One para probarlo y ver si podía soportar el aumento del daño cuerpo a cuerpo.

The battle


Having my Radiated Scorcher with Shatter was going to be faster than the Living Lava, that could be the go-to tank on Fire. So, unless there were many faster cards, it would serve its purpose and give room for the second round to actually attack with a fresh Forgotten One and the Radiated Brute.

My opponent went with Fire, and with the Living Lava as a tank. I didn't expect to see the Djinn Apprentice, however because it's life on level one it wouldn't be able to do that much damage. Besides those two cards, there were no other attackers that could add to the damage on the same turn. Which would make it much easier and the battle will be short. And that's what happened, only lasting three rounds, and most of the damage dealt to every opponent card was due to the poison effect.

Tener mi Radiated Scorcher con Shatter iba a ser más rápido que Living Lava, que podría ser el tanque de referencia en Fuego. Así que, a menos que hubiera muchas cartas más rápidas, cumpliría su propósito y daría espacio para que la segunda ronda atacara con un Forgotten One sin daño y el Radiated Brute.
Mi oponente optó por Fuego y Living Lava como tanque. No esperaba ver al Djinn Apprentice, sin embargo, debido a su vida en el nivel uno, no podría causar tanto daño. Además de esas dos cartas, no había otros atacantes que pudieran aumentar el daño en el mismo turno. Lo cual lo haría mucho más fácil y la batalla sería corta. Y eso fue lo que sucedió, solo duró tres rondas, y la mayor parte del daño infligido a cada carta del oponente se debió al efecto del veneno.

The thoughts

Having the Radiated Scorcher use the Shatter on Living Lava make things a lot easier for the Forgotten one, since it would start doing damage directly to its life, and could overcome the Shield ability in a couple of turns. I really enjoy using the Radiated Brute, having Reach and not that low damage helps out to deliver more damage to the opponent's tank. With some average speed, it's placed well to either help getting through the armor or to actually make some damage after the main tank.

Hacer que Radiated Scorcher use Shatter al Living Lava facilitó mucho las cosas para Forgotten one, ya que comenzaría a dañar directamente su vida y podría superar la habilidad Shield en un par de turnos. Realmente disfruto usando Radiated Brute, tener Reach y no ese bajo daño ayuda a infligir más daño al tanque del oponente. Con una velocidad promedio, está bien ubicado para ayudar a atravesar la armadura o para causar algún daño después del tanque principal.

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