The New Chaos Anti-Mage Combo for Death Element.

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Card Highlights #7: The New Anti Mage

There's a lot of new combos since the release of Chaos Legion. Finally, Death Element was given their proper counterpart for the Anti-Mages. It is a really cheap two-card combo very similar to Bortus-Torhilo combo.

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Rental Cost

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This combo is quite affordable and is in fact free to play right now. Both Bone Golem and Thaddius Brood is actually allowed to be use free of charge right now and is quite strong as a duo.
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Buy/Sell Cost

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If you like this combo, it would be really good to buy both of these cards right now. Splinterlands did a really good job of rotating the free cards and there's a chance for this combo to actually be unavailable for free in the future.
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Card Stats

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Bone golem has decent stats and Thaddius Brood, being a rare summoner allows you to summon a level 2 Bone Golem at level 2.

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Card Effect

Void || Magic damage gets halved (rounded up), except attack 1 which deals 0 damage.
Repair || Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage.
Knock Out || Does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned.

Bone Golem has good effects. Void being the best one that is available at level 1. I've seen Bone Golem having Repair Ability at level 5 which is good for self sustain. Knock out requires a bit more preparation since there's not too much stun available for Death Elements.
Thaddius Brood on the other hand, has good effects. The -1 magic boosts Bone Golem's void ability. The -1 health is a good all around stats for any occassion.

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When to use

This is best used on Silver League when both Death and Earth Splinters are the only ones available. That allows you to have a better chance of fighting mages since the only free mage summoner is for Earth.

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When not to use

Do not use this when Fire Element is up. When I was trying this, I got slaughtered by Fire Melees. They had too much damage and Living Lava had too much protection to be bursted.


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Click here to watch the battle in better quality

This is the positioning I used for this battle:


Bone Golem goes to front as he is the main tank. This game unfortunately does not able to highlight Bone Golem being an anti-mage tank but he can also be a tank for other type of damages. My main damage this game is Sand Worm.

Round 1:

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By end of Round 1, Goblin Psychic got one hit by Sand Worm. All of my creatures are standing proud and since this is an all melee build, his snipers actually targets my monster in #1 position.

Round 2:

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While Bone Golem is defending all my creatures, my back line sneakers step up to stomp the enemy back lane. (See what I did there?)

Round 3:

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By end of Round 3, his main tank is dead and Goblin Thief will be defending on his own. Game ended by next turn with me having a smashing victory.

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  • Battle photos are taken from Splinterlands in-game website. To view the full game, click on this link.
  • I do not own any of the animated pictures. Visit Giphy to get more information.
    Happy Holidays. Good luck. Have fun.

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