Share Your Battle, Weekly Challenge, Don’t let that Pizza get Cursed!

This next installment of the Share Your Battle weekly challenges, the Cursed Windeku! It just seems like they are reaching for a Pizza but grab your soul instead due to not having the right toppings!

The Death splinter is a great counter splinter, it is okay in bronze, but it really starts to get going in Silver rankings and above, anyway, to the card at hand!

This is a standard card for me with the Death lineup, it is a great tank to have and a must need card, the high health, along with the decent speed at 3 and decent damage at 2 is good, but that thorns ability where it just knocks the other side down, great times!

Before we get to the battle, let’s look at the history and the lore that has been written about the Cursed Windeku (by
Cursed Windeku are nightmarish creatures that live in the deepest and darkest woods. They hunt at night, stalking their prey before attacking with their claws, while their thorn-like horns and natural healing ability provide an excellent defense,. They exude a pungent pheromone that reduces the reaction time of their victims, often allowing the Windeku to begin devouring them before they are dead. While these lifeless creatures may appear animalistic, they are highly intelligent. They have heeded the call put forth by the Lord of Darkness. Their thirst for blood is now focused on the Chaos Legion.

“I heard it again... that rustle of brush in the darkness of the forest. No mistaking it now. Something was stalking us.

I picked up my pace and urged Grewa to do the same. We hurried through the trees toward the inn. I could hear her panting behind me. Something howled then, but not like a wolf. Like a man who has gone mad with hunger.

I lost it. I ran. Ran as fast as my legs could carry me. And when I stumbled and fell and got up again, I realized I was alone. No sound of Grewa. No footfalls or heavy breath.

I rose to my feet and walked slowly back the way we'd come. I heard a sound. A wet, tearing sound. And in the middle of trees, not twenty yards away, I saw Grewa. And I saw it.

The beast was gaunt, its skin pulled tight over its bones. It was the ash-gray color of death, with sunken eyes, like a corpse recently risen from the grave, and twisted horns. And the smell. Oh, gods, the smell.

Its lips were tattered and bloody. It was Grewa's blood. It had torn her open and was feasting on her guts. And she... she was still moving. She let out a little whimper.

And I turned and I ran until I saw your light burning in the distance, and I kept running until I burst through the door.”

The man downed the rest of his tankard of ale and stared into the empty mug. The other patrons of the inn shifted in their seats.

“He's making it up,” one said.

“He's drunk,” said another.

The room burst into laughter. Conversations resumed. The man continued staring into his ale.

From somewhere in the dark of night outside rose a mad and hungry howl.

The battle that we are examining for this one is a smaller battle, with only a 17 mana cap along with:
Tis but Scratches: All Monsters have the Cripple ability
Rise of the Commons: Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.
This ruleset causes many things to happen actually, you can’t have the bigger monsters, plus cripple means that every hit, lowers the max health of the enemy, that can be a problem.
This battle is coming through under the Silver Modern Ranked battles.
Here is the quick link to the battle: (Link) However, I will break it down, then you might want to watch again.

First up, the Summoner:

This is where the countering begins with the Death splinter in the Chaos Legion set, Thaddius Brood, take away magic and decrease the health, it is one of the reasons why I won this battle.

The front line is the card of the hour, and a very strong card for a rare card:

A great tank with the 10 health, decent speed and decent damage, but the ability, Thorns, which is another counter ability that just hits right, every time a melee attack hits, they will take 2 damage.

The next up is a decent off-tank for the Death Splinter

The magic helps them to hit from the second position, but it is the ability again that really comes into play, Life Leech, every time they deal damage, they increase their max health and kind of a healing ability at the same time, plus with cripple it will help decrease what they have as well.

Next up comes a ranged attack.

A decent position due to the low health on this one, it can get some hits in because it is protected from the front, but then not all the way in the back to protect against sneak attack damage, again, the speed and the cripple is great!

The last card is to protect a little bit of that backside

The important thing here is if there is a sneak attack, it will hit this card first, keeping my other cards alive, but then the flight ability can cause them to miss, which came in handy for this fight!

Did my strategy work, yes it did, the idea was to have the Windeku take the front line, then the Life Sapper and Soul Strangler deal damage to the tank. The enemy was thinking something similar, using the Silent Sha-vi to hit my back line, the downside, well for them, they missed twice which allowed me to win unimpeded, a great win on this one!

The Cursed Windeku is a must have card, it is in almost every single Death lineup that I have, it is just that good, level it up, even better, at level 5, it heals itself which makes it even more insanely good!

Overall, this was a really good battle for me, and when you are watching a battle, you always need some Pizza! If you are looking for a great area of Positivity along with a great community, com join the Pizza Family!
You can find them here: Awesome Pizza Discord
I do want to say thank you for reading all of this and have a wonderful week!
Dr. Kqaos

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Photos come from PowerPoints stock image, Bitmoji with Splinterlands logo on top of it, or my own screen shots of Splinterlands, along with the image that they provided for the Weekly Challenge.

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