
Hello all of my friends around the world!

Welcome to my blog @kinashi100,

In this post I'm going to show you the beauty of Headwinds and Stun ability in the Heavy Hitters rule set. The monsters that I am about to write are Naga Windmaster and Medusa. Both abilities are belong to de-buff which are restricting or reducing enemies skill or movement. here are the explanation of both skills :
ability_headwinds (1).pngHeadwindsReduces the Ranged attack of all enemy Monsters by 1. However, it can not be less than 1.
ability_stun.pngStunWhen a Monster with Stun hits a target, it has a chance to stun the target causing it to skip its next turn. 50% chance of activation.
Stun skill is very important in Heavy Hitters rule set because when the opponent monsters is being stun, all of our monsters will hit double damage to the stunned monster. Pretty amazing right?
IconRule SetExpanation
heavy-hitters (1).pngHeavy HittersAll Monsters have the Knock Out ability.

Knock Out : Does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned.

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Monster Stats

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The picture above shown the Naga Windmaster, As we can see his basic skill from Lv.1 - 4 is Headwinds. This ability is really important since many people use General Sloan summoner and Selenia Sky to increase their ranged attack by 1. Started from Lv.5, in gold league and above, Naga has additional skill, Shatter, which can destroy the Armor of targeted monster if his attack hits enemy. The last skill at maximum level is poison. This is very cool since when it's activated it can give 2 damage automatically in each turn.

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The second monster that I want to write is Medusa. In Lv. 1 - 2 She doesn't has any skill but started from Lv.3 and maximum level, she has stun ability. This is one of the greatest ability in Splinterlands because it can skip the opponent monster's turn in the battle. In silver league (Lv.3 - 4) Her magic attack is only 1, but in gold league, her magic increased and become 2. At the maximum level her magic attack is 3. Stun is the only skill she has.

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Battle Link

Well, here is the battle link where we can see the beauty of Headwinds and Stun skill. You might want to check this out guys :


I have uploaded the battle on youtube as well, here it is :

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Mana and Rule Sets

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unprotected (1).pngUnprotectedMonsters do not have any Armor and do not get Armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.
heavy-hitters (1).pngHeavy HittersAll Monsters have the Knock Out ability.

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Line Up

Alric Stormbringer
He gives additional 1 magic attack to all of the friendly magic monsters in the team. I used Lv.4 Alric in order to call the maximum level monster in Silver league.

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MonsterNameReason to Pick Up
This is one of the best water tank monster I have. His Shield and magic reflect ability is very useful to counter any type of attacks from opponent. Any melee and ranged attack will be reduced and magic attack will be reflected.
Creeping Ooze
This monster is reducing the speed of all enemy monsters by 1. There are 2 advantages : first my monsters can attack the opponent prior to the opponent and second, slowed enemy increase the chance of my monsters attack to hit their target.
She is the key monsters in the battle. By stunning enemy, all my monsters in the line up can give double damage to the stunned enemy because of the Heavy hitters rule set. Since her attack is magic, it never misses.
Naga Windmaster
He has very high ranged attack (2) in just 4 mana cost. His ability (Headwinds) is very crucial to reduce the opponent's ranged attack by 1. His speed is also good (3) to be used in silver league.
Crustacean King
Whenever I set Lobstradamus as my water tank, I always put Crustacean King as the healer to make Lobstradamus immortal. The Crustacean has 1 range attack which is pretty useful in the battle. The heavy hitters rule will double the ranged attack.
Torrent Fiend
I put him in the last position to absorb opponent's sneak monsters in case he/she used it. His 0 mana cost makes me feel free to put him in any position.

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Match Analysis

Round 1

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In the first round the epic battle has shown. We can see here Medusa has successfully hit and stun Lv.3 Sea monsters and makes the Knock Out ability monsters activated. The example is Crustacean attack which is originally 1 become 2 ranged attack to Sea Monster. This is the proof that stun is pretty awesome in Heavy Hitters Rule Set. The opponent has crustacean king also but it won't help since all my monsters attack to Sea Monsters become doubled.

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Round 2

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Naga Windmaster and Lobstradamus attack to Sea Monster become 4 (Gorgeous! 😱) since the knockout ability has been activated. No wonder Sea Monster died soon. Since there is no tank monster available, all the remaining monster of opponent side were falling down easily. In this round we can see who will win the match already. Looks like the match is over.

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Round 3

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The match is going very smooth for Alric. Furious chicken, Creeping Oooze and Crustacean King are dead, Now Water elemental left and it's just the matter of time until he dies also.

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Round 4

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Medusa attack hits and stun water elemental which makes Lobstradamus attack become 4 again. Pretty cool ability!. That attack finished Keyla challenge and Alric win the match.

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Alright guys, that's all I can share to all of you about how insane the stun and headwinds ability in Heavy Hitters rule set. If you have any thought or question regarding to my idea, feel free to put it on the comment section below. Stay tune on my post to keep updated regarding battle tips and trick to earn more DEC reward. For those who are not playing Splinterlands yet, If you are interested to start playing and don't have any referral yet, you can use my referral link :


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@splinterlands : for making the best NFT game in the world.
@peakd : as the platform tools for idea sharing.
@peakmonsters : for providing great tools for renting cards.
@monstermarket : for giving cashback whenever players buy the cards. That's awesome.
@carrieallen : for the Markdown Tutorial lesson. That is amazing guideline.


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