Ketovore's thoughts on Daily Quests.

We all feel compelled to complete our Daily Quests, don't we?

Some do it for the loot. I mean, personally, I just can't get enough of those damned Legendary potions. Others do it for the challenge and just to prove that they can. Whatever the reason, we can all agree that Daily Quests are friggin' fun.

Like distant craggy peaks on the Praetorian horizon, Daily Quests give depth and definition to the Splinterlands battlefield. Drawing you back behind enemy lines day after day. But watch out! The path to victory leads through treacherous terrain. There are Immortal Gods lurking around every bush and Peakmonsters hiding under every boulder. Just waiting to spring a maxed-out Gold Foil ambush on your meager rented minions.

In pursuit of the loot you might get stripped of all your precious abilities and then be forced to cross a low mana bridge blindfolded and naked. While trying to scratch and claw your way up to the summit of your Daily Quest, you might discover that your shield has turned from Silver to Bronze and you're actually moving backwards.

It's tempting to just make a beeline for the top, using the same dull tools and tactics over and over, especially here in the lower leagues, but many get slaughtered for their laziness. Their ash and bone lay scattered along the pathway that leads to ultimate victory.

Even though I've only just recently arrived in Praetoria, washing up here with that big July wave of speculative land-grabbers, I will offer my take on Daily Quests and how to proceed with caution in order to ensure success while sustaining minimal damage.

A few things to consider when you start your Daily Quest:

  • Don't be in a hurry. Take your time. Enjoy the grind. If you only give yourself half an hour, you'll likely get your ass kicked and end up moving down in rank while getting no closer to those sweet sweet loot chests. Try to set aside at least a solid hour at the same time every day for Daily Quests. If you're in a time pinch, go take care of your other stuff and come back later.

  • Minimize distractions. I would argue that it's always difficult to pick out a Fire 13 mana team with no heal and reverse speed. But trying to do so while having a conversation with your co-worker or listening to a pod-cast about the relative size of insect weaponry doesn't help. If you can, mute the distractions, you'll see better results. Personally, I used listen to the soothing sounds of Scotland the Brave (Bagpipes) at full volume on repeat while attempting to complete my daily quests but then I realized it was affecting my ability to concentrate so I switched over to Kenny G at half volume. While it's not always easy to minimize distractions, especially if you're married to them, just do your best and forget the rest.

  • Wait for your opening. Your Daily Quest challenges you to win 5 battles with your weakest splinter. My weakest splinter is all of them but especially Life...and Fire. The battle is 1.5 mana with poison and no heals. Is now the time to gamble on a totally untested line-up? Probably not. Wait for the 44 mana fight or when you sense that you're battling a weaker opponent then go for a win towards your Daily Quest.

  • Consider renting the cards you need. There's a good chance that the loot chests will not be worth the rental fees. Proceed with caution! I'm not recommending that you go rent Llama/Kron so that you can unlock 4 loot chests. But maybe spending 1 dec to rent a Creeping Ooze might slow down your enemy enough to allow your Pyre team to snatch victory from Fire King's bot hordes. Just something to consider. Also, by strategically spending a few dec on rentals you are strengthening your deck which increases your chance of winning more dec in battle. But, if you're renting high level cards everyday just to crush the Daily Quests, you might feel like you're winning but really you'll be losing in the long run so just beware! Consider renting a few modest neutral cards which would be useful to all of your Daily Quests.

  • Focus on just winning one battle at a time. In doing so, you'll keep your rating moving up which earns you more dec on a daily basis and potentially more Loot Chests at the end of the season. Or maybe you're trying to climb the league leaderboard and earn 200,000 DEC. Either way, you can only get there one battle at a time. Unless you have multiple accounts. All too often I've tried to greedily rush through my quest, taking massive damage to my ECR, sacrificing potential DEC earnings, even renting over powered cards that I didn't plan on using much, only to crack those loot chests and be awarded 10 DEC, 1 Spinner and 57 Alchemy potions. Focus on winning and the loot will be there!

Most if not all of these suggestions overlap and have a common theme which is:

Don't sacrifice your win rate/ dec (or sanity) for daily quest loot chests!!

Leave your Daily Quest tips and tricks in the comments below.

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