Triple Heal Combo With Goblin Psychic | A battle against top player

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This is my entry to the Splinterlands Share Your Battle featuring GOBLIN PSYCHIC. If you want to join in this challenge, you can check this link. Alright, let's start first with the monster's lore, then deep dive into its compatible summoners, monster's stats & abilities, and the highlighted battle.


The Magi Tower is where Goblins go to learn how to use psychic abilities. It isn't just a gift Goblins can learn, but due to the proximity of Gobson, Goblins tend to show up more frequently. The Magi who calls the tower home, enjoys teaching the art of using one's mind to move objects and read thoughts. Goblin Psychics use their abilities to perform work in Gobson or become adventurers and practice to become a full fledged Summoner.

GOBLIN PSTCHIC is one of the newest additions in the Earth Splinter from the Chaos Legion release. I considered GOBLIN PSTCHIC as one of the most high priority card when going with Earth Splinter, whether you using OBSIDIAN for that magic line-up, or go with MYLOR CROWLING for defensive line-up agains melee, and even with other summoners from the Earth like SCARRED LLAMA.



At its initial level, a 2 magic attack with TANK HEAL ability at 6 mana requirement is already a good stat for a support. It is somehow similar to Wood Nymph with higher magic damage.

For Silver league, you can use a level 4 GOBLIN PSYCHIC to gain access to addtional ability AFFLICTION, which can directly counter TANK HEAL or any healing abilities.

For Gold league, using XANDER FOXWOOD (Epic Summoner) at level 5, you can gain access to a level 7 GOBLIN PSYCHIC with SILENCE ability to reduce magic damage of opponent's monsters.

For Diamond league and up, using summoner at max level, you can gain access to a level 10 GOBLIN PSYCHIC with additional DISPEL ability to remove positive status effect to target monster.

Tank HealRestores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round. 1/3 of the monsters max health rounded down is restored.
AfflictionWhen a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a 50% chance of applying Affliction on the target making it un-healable.
SilenceReduces the Magic Attack of all enemy Monsters by 1.
DispelWhen this monster hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy.


  • OBSIDIAN increases the Magic damage of all monsters. With the release of Obsidian, the magic meta has change from Water-Magic to now Earth-Magic. Goblin Psychic has a magic damage so pairing it with OBSIDIAN will increase it fire power. Also, there are other monsters at Earth Splinter which have both the Tank Heal and at the same time, uses Magic damage.




Battle ConditionDescription
Rule #1Armored Up - All Monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor stat
Rule #2Lost Legendaries - Legendary monster may not be used in battles
Mana Cap27
Allowed SplinterLife and Earth
OBSIDIAN provides plus 1 Magic damage to all your monsters. Having a full magic line-up with OBSIDIAN will definitely increase your fire power.
MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN has a high HP and magic damage with TAUNTand FORCEFIELD at level 4. These two abilities are a great combination for a TANK monster. TAUNT will force enemy monsters to attack a single monster. Having enough support monsters with healing abilities will let your tank to sustain more rounds. Forcefield ability will reduce damage from attacks with 5 and up power to just 1 damage. This is a great counter to high damage monsters.
FURIOUS CHICKEN is a zero mana neutral monster which is good for filling any position to act as a sandbag for receiving damage from enemy. It is a must have especially for low mana battles.
FAILED SUMMONER is a 2 mana monster which can also be used as a pseudo tank. It has magic reflect ability that can return magic damage to attackers. This ability is can be curcial especially when battling against heavy magic lineup like mine.
GOBLIN PSYCHIC, our featured monster in this week's challenge, has a Magic attack with TANK HEAL and AFFLICTION ability at level 4. With the help of Affliction, I was able to negate the TANK HEAL ability of enemy's KHMER PRINCESS leaving his UNICORN MUSTANG unable to recover from our burst magic damage even with the help of VOID ability to reduce the magic damage from our attacks.
KHMER PRINCESS is a 2 mana Earth magic monster with TANK HEAL ability at level 4. This is one of my favorite Earth support since it only needs 2 mana which makes it very good for low mana battles.
WOOD NYMPH is also a magic monster with TANK HEAL ability. I chose this one to complete my Triple Heal combination


At the end of round 1, Mycelic Slipspawn managed to survive a supposedly 13 total damage from enemy monsters. MITICA HEADHUNTER's 5 ranged damage were reduced to 1 due to the effect of FORCEFIELD ability. So instead of a 13 total damage, it was reduced to only 9 total damage.

Each TANK HEAL regenerates 3 HP to my Mycelic Slipspawn. Since I am using a Triple HEAL combination, I was able to equalize the damage inflicted to Mycelic Slipspawn with the same heal amount from my three supporting monsters (Goblin Psychic, Khmer Princess and Wood Nymph).

Aside from that, I was able to provide 3 damage to Unicorn Mustang at the end of round 1 even though Unicorn Mustang has a VOID ability to reduce magic damage and a TANK HEAL from enemy Khmer Princess.

With the results of round 1, we already know that outcome of this fight.


At the end of round 2, I was able to lower Unicorn Mustang's health to just 6 HP. Aside from that, GOBLIN PSYCHIC was able to inflict AFFLICTION status to Unicorn Mustang, which makes it unable to be healed by enemy's Khmer Princess.


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In round 3, we were able to take down Unicorn Mustang since it can no longer be healed.



At the end of round 4, we eliminated 3 monsters from enemy side, leaving him only 2 ranged monsters.



Another monster from enemy side was eliminated while leaving enemy last monster with 1 HP.


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The end of battle against the Sliver league champion, ueyuey.

Check this link to watch the full battle replay:

Did your strategy work?
  • With the additional armor from Armored Up ruleset, my strategy is to go with full magic damage line-up since it will penetrate the armor. While for the defense, I used a tank with TAUNT and FORCEFIELD ability so all attacks will be focus in only one monster. I also chose 3 monsters with magic attack and TANK HEAL ability for sustain.

My strategy definitely worked as I defeated the leaderboard champion of Silver league, ueyuey!!!

What will you try differently next time?
  • With the same battle ruleset, I might try using the same strategy my opponent used in this battle. Using WIZARD OF EASTWOOD to remove the armor then using a combination of physical and magic damage.
  • As I mentioned earlier, GOBLIN PSYCHIC is one of my high priority pick for Earth Splinter. Using triple heal combo was one of my favorite lineup whenever I use an Earth splinter. With the AFFLICTION ability, I can counter most lineups which uses Healing abilities.


Splinterlands is a digital, collectible card game built on blockchain technology. It is similar in concept to games like Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone where you build up a collection of cards, which all have various different stats and abilities, and use them to battle other players in skill-based matches. By using blockchain technology, players can buy, sell, and trade their digital assets freely just as if they were physical cards, and all transactions are recorded publicly and immutably.

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