To the top!!! Achieving Guild Brawl Domination

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Hey Guys, its time to give the results of our latest guild brawl. I'll also show my brawl battles so you can watch it as well. If you want to check my previous post about why you need to join guild brawls, check this link

This was one of the best performance our guild ever had in the history of our guild brawl. It is our 2nd time in this year to be a brawl champion.

We didn't expect to finish this brawl as the champion given that we were match against guilds which have higher rankings than us. Monster Nest at 73rd, Mandalorians at 120th, and ClanBloodlust -Recruiting at 182nd while our guild sits at 216th before the start of the last brawl.

Post Match Analysis

This brawl is a bit different compare with the previous brawls I had. Usually I play at fray 5 with Bronze league cap, but for this brawl I switch fray with my teammate to play at fray 8 with Silver league cap. I also spent 480 DECs in rentals just to rent max level monsters allowed in Silver league. Luckily, I was able to breakeven and actually earn as well when I use this rented cards to play in ranked mode. So I guess, this 480 DECs is spent wisely given that we ended the brawl in the best way possible.

Alright let's proceed with the post-match analysis for each.



In this match, melee attack monster was not available due to the ruleset Keep Your Distance. With only Magic and Ranged available, I opted for Water Splinter with a combination of Magic and Ranged attacks. Combine with a Tank which have both abilities that can reduce physical and magic damage, and a Support monster which will heal our tank.

Kelya Frendul provides additional speed and armor to each monsters. The armor will provide additional defense against ranged damage while the speed will help Djinn Oshannus to evade both ranged and magic attacks.
Lord Arianthus at level 2 has 3 abilities which can help defend from both physical and magical attack. It has a Shield ability which will reduce the physical damage while the Void ability will reduce the magic damage. It also has the Magic Reflect ability that can return magic damage to attacker
Djinn Oshannis is one of the greatest monsters to match up with magic monsters as well. The Void ability reduces the magic damage it receives, while the Phase ability allows to evade magic attacks with the same calculation use in physical attacks. With the speed buff from Kelya Frendul, its speed can reach upto 6 which will give him 50% chance to evade attacks from monsters with 1 speed (10% chance to miss for each speed difference).
Crustacean King at level 4 has 1 ranged damage and the Tank Heal to support our tank, Lord Ariantus, to sustain all damage thrown at it.

Even without a Gladius card, it is really a good line-up for this specific match.


With the Super Sneak ruleset, I opted to use Mylor Crowling as my Summoner to counter a possible heavy melee line-up. I also utilized the zero mana monsters and place it at the last position to absorb the damage from Sneak attacks. I use a tank with Heal and support it with a 2 mana monster with Tank Heal as well.

Mylor Crowling provides Thorns ability to all monsters. The Thorns ability will return a 2 melee damage each time a monster receive a melee attack. Mylor Crowling is one of the meta Summoners in Bronze league to Silver league especially against a Melee line-up
Flesh Golem is a good tank with 6 mana cap, 3 melee damage, 10 HP, Heal at level 5. It can regen 3 HP per round which is enough to outheal the damage taken each round.
Khmer Princess is one of the best low mana healers in Earth splinter with Magic damage as well. At level 4, it gains a Tank Heal ability
Creeping Ooze with Slow ability decreases the Speeds of all enemy monsters by 1. This helps our team to increase the speed gap bet. our monsters and enemy monsters. At level 4, it gains 1 melee damage as well. With Super Sneak ruleset, it can attack even at the backline. We will also use it as a decoy to receive Sneak attacks.
Furious Chicken will be a decoy as well to receive Sneak attacks. It also gains a melee attack at level 3 which will allow it to launch Sneak attacks as well.
Fungus Fiend at its initial level already has melee attack. Same with Furious Chicken and Ooze, we use Fungus Fiend as a decoy for Sneak attacks.



Silence Summoner ruleset nulify all the buffs or debuffs from the Summoner. It is best to use a low mana cap Summoner to allow for more room to deploy your high mana monsters. If you don't have low mana Summoner, you can also opt for high level Summoner which can summon a higher level monsters as well. With Lost Magic, we cannot use magic attack monster on the field. With only ranged and melee are allowed, stat like Speed and ability like Flying will be a great help to evade physical attacks. You don't also have to worry about Affliction since most monsters with Affliction has magic damage (ex. Doctor Blight and Goblin Psychic). Without Affliction, you can fully utilize Healing abilities.

I picked General Sloan for its level and Splinter as well. With level 3 General Sloan, I can already summon a level 2 legendary monster.
I opted to use Life Splinter here so I can use a level 2 Uriel the Purifier. It has a high HP and Heal that will let it sustain longer. It also has a 3 melee damage and pair it with Recharge, it can reach 9 melee damage in a single strike
I place Luminous Eagle at the 2nd position since it has Reach ability. With Flying ability, it also has a higher chance to evade physical attacks incase our main tank was taken down.
Cornealus has a Heal and Thorns ability at level 2. Perfect defense for melee attacker.
Ajax Lightfoot is our Gladius card for this match. It has a high speed which is perfect if you want to evade Sneak attacks. As you can see in the match, he evaded 4 deadly attacks with his high speed. With Bloodlust, it can still stack up his stats which will increase his evading ability more.
Creeping Ooze with Slow ability decreases the Speeds of all enemy monsters by 1. This helps our team to increase the speed gap bet. our monsters and enemy monsters. It will help our monsters to launch an attack first before the enemy. It will also help Uriel to evade attacks with Flying and Speed difference.
Soul Fiend is there just to receive Sneak attacks from the enemy. Its a zero mana monster which is good to fill empty slots.



This was the match in which I got my only lost in this brawl. With the Up Close and Personal ruleset, we were limited with only melee attacking monsters. I opted to use two monsters with Demoralize to keep the enemy damage to minimum. While the other 3 monsters launch their attacks.

The Noxious Fumes didn't help me in this round since it help killed my monsters with Demoralize. The enemy was able to turn the tide around after Kraken and Disintegrator was killed making his Uriel to get its melee damage back to 3. This is crucial since with Recharge, it can deal 9 melee damage killing my Sea Monster in a single attack


With Explosive Weaponry, one way to utilize it is by using Double Strike to deal Blast twice. It is also good to use abilities like Opportunity, Snipe and Sneak to scatter the damage. One way to counter it is by using Taunt ability so all attacks will be focus on a single monster. You also need to place a monster with Healing abilities or Shield/Void ability beside the Taunt monster to absorb the damage from the Blast.

Mylor Crowling provides Thorns ability to all monsters. The Thorns ability will return a 2 melee damage each time a monster receive a melee attack. Mylor Crowling is one of the meta Summoners in Bronze league to Silver league especially against a Melee line-up
Mycelic Slipspawn is one of the newest monster with Taunt ability. At level 4, it also gain Forcefield ability which will reduce damage from 5 and up power down to 1.
Lord Arianthus at level 2 has 3 abilities which can help defend from both physical and magical attack. It has a Shield ability which will reduce the physical damage while the Void ability will reduce the magic damage. It also has the Magic Reflect ability that can return magic damage to attacker. It is best to place beside the Taunt monster as it can reduced the damage it received to zero.
Fungus Fiend is use only as a sandbag to receive Blast damage in case Lord Ariantus gets taken down since it doesn't have heal to sustain its HP.
Queen Mycelia provide 2 Armor to all monsters. It also has the Amplify ability which will increase the damage provided by Thorns (from Mylor Crowling) and Magic Reflect (from Lord Ariantus).
Khmer Princess is one of the best low mana healers in Earth splinter with Magic damage as well. At level 4, it gains a Tank Heal ability. It can help Mycelic Slipspawn to sustain longer by healing.
Katrelba Gobson was our main damager here in this match. With Double Strike and Sneak ability, we were able to eliminate enemy backline monsters easier. Its Bloodlust ability allows it to stack damage from killing those backline monsters.


With the Close Range ruleset, I opted to use Cornealus and Crustacean King since they can attack even at 1st position. I also use Kraken here with Taunt and Demozalize ability to absorb the reduce melee damage from opponent. Once I was able to kill the enemy tank, I was able to capitalize and secure the kills on the other monsters.

The enemy line-up had a 7 damage per round enough to overpower the heal from Crustacean King (4 HP per round). Unfortunately, they didn't have sustain ability aside from Armor Repair which can be easily destroyed by Cornealus attack.


With a 99 mana cap and a Melee Mayhem, I chose Daria Dragonscale to increase the Melee damage of my monsters and at the same time, have access to Dragon Splinters.
Melee Mayhem allows all melee monsters the capability to attack regardless of position.

Daria Dragonscale increases the melee damage of our monsters. With only 3 mana cap, it is a good summoner if you want to focus on melee damage. Aside from that, there are a lot of monsters in Dragon Splinter that have high mana requirement. This is the main reason why in most 99 mana cap battles, Dragon is the number one choice. Also, you can also combine Dragon Splinter with another Splinter, allowing you to pick from a larger monster pool
Sea Monster has a high melee attack and Heal which are best qualities we need from a Tank
Djinn Chwala also has a high melee damage and Thorns ability which is good against Melee monsters
Alva the Crusher is our Gladius card for this match. It has a Shield ability which is good for physical attacks like melee or ranged. And with Bloodlust, it can increase all its stats whenever it kills an enemy monster.
Disintegrator have Demoralize ability which will reduce the melee damage of opponents monster. It also has Trample ability at level 5. Trample ability allows the monster to attack again when the first target monster is killed
Desert Dragon also has Trample ability. It has Piercing ability in which any damage in excess of the enemy armor will directly hit enemy HP.
Kraken has the Taunt and Demoralize ability. Demoralize ability can stack its effect but it cannot further reduce the melee damage lower than 1.

This is the end of my post analyis. Hopefully, you got something reading this post.
Till next time!!!

If you want to know more about the game, you can visit their website at

Splinterlands is a digital, collectible card game built on blockchain technology. It is similar in concept to games like Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone where you build up a collection of cards, which all have various different stats and abilities, and use them to battle other players in skill-based matches. By using blockchain technology, players can buy, sell, and trade their digital assets freely just as if they were physical cards, and all transactions are recorded publicly and immutably.

Use my referral link to register and I will give you some cards to help you start your own Splinterland journey.

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