Mission: Eliminate Moxian Rebel Threat in Bronze 3

Moxian Rebel & her cheap Magic Training Tricks


Sharielle Larimer provides a roadblock to starting Splinterlanders with her cheap Mana & Boost to her noob trainees.

When the sun rises, she opens her shop and goes through the motions. And when the sun goes down, she dons her mask of red and unleashes her wrath on the legionnaires and loyalists of Mox City.

Their magic assault from the shadows can wreak havoc upon an unwary battler.
As most, allegedly "bot accounts" & meta players tend to spam this lethal lineup, it resulted in many losses.

The benefit of facing this lineup frequently is that you can safely pick a team to counter it.

Beyond the Meta

Being a casual gamer (@aftersound & @bjangles can eat Swamp Spitter flem) I didn't want to follow the Meta.
That is boring.
I also wanted to see if there was enough depth within the game to design a counter.

Weapons Training


Weapons training persists after the weapons trainer dies. You may use one weapons trained unit on each side of your non-attack card. You will receive both attacks if they are different, but if they are the same you will receive only one, the highest.Wiki

Weapons training is an amazing addition to mixing up the game Meta and to buff up cards that played more of a supportive role, such as healers, repairers, buffers & meat shields.

Many of these non-attack cards are cheap Mana or significant health. Quite a variety of options to apply Weapons Training to.

The Usual Suspects

The Moxian Rogue Meta tends to line up a similar array of villainy.

It would not be effective without a Magic Boost.

Obsidian, the Magic Boosting Summoner


+1 to Magic attacks really buffs up Moxian & her adepts.

Obsidian's hands weaved through the air, and she stretched out with her mind. As her energy and her apprentice's connected, she amplified his powers.

Magic Taunt: Mycelic Slipspawn


The Moxian Meta relies on protecting the low health apprentices by having the attacks focused upon Mycelic.

The downfall is that they tend to place Mycelic into the backline.
I guess the hope is that the magic attacks will whittle down their opponent quicker than they can bring down the healthy Slipspawn.

Low Health Apprentices & sometimes a chunky tank




As you can see they all use similar cards every time.

In each of these line ups they carry a strong tank, a healer, moxian and her apprentices, and Obsidian to boost their magic attacks.

My 40 Mana Solution - O'Shannus & the 3 Healers


My line up works best when it is a 40 Mana battle.

I trialed with many different arrangements but this one seems to win most times.

Prunda dual Splinter summoner allows for healing paradise


Prunda Undervesch's prowess and passion proved a cut above, wherefore the Riftwatchers offered her membership in their ranks. She accepted without hesitation and, in time, she grew to become a powerful runemancer, skilled in the arts of water and life.

Being a cheap mana summoner allows for the strong lineup.



Merdaali Guardian, Meriput Magician and Venari Crystalsmith all add Healing.
The bonus here being that they act at different SPEED - ensuring a nice flow to protect the Taunting Tank, Wave Brood.

The magicians of Meriput use their magic to heal their kin, preserve the colony's food supply, buttress its burrows, and defend against the dangers of the Deep.


The Tanky Taunt of Wave Brood

I initially trialed having O'Shannus in First Position. However, he could be undermined quite easily, and was left fighting the opposite Position 1, while the rest of the team battled Mycelic.


Having O'Shunnus in Position 2, while also attracting enemy attacks protecting the Healers, makes Wave Brood the perfect enemy focus.

Last Position

I initially, before using Wave Brood, put Nerissa due to her health and strong magic attack.
However, when switching to Wavebrood, sometimes her magic was not enough to break the opponents position 1 unable to stop their backline from wreaking havoc.

So, instead, I decided upon a blast attack that could do damage to any vulnerable Position 2. Especially, if they were using low health apprentices, then their tank would be left vulnerable when their supporting cast was eliminated.


Nerissa was born and raised by the ocean, and could swim before she could walk. She always felt the sea called to her. And within her it stirred a deep magic. An ancient mana of tides and waves. Nerissa answered the call, and travels between the continents of the Splinterlands.

Now, I have recently pivoted to use Scavo Technomancer for the soft blast damage to bypass the opponents tank heals, and whittle away at the backline.

It proves much more effective against a strong healing lineup.

Scavo Technomancers can harness elemental magic. However, unlike traditional magic-users, they do not cast spells. Instead, they create apparatuses and devices and infuse their creations with mana, resulting in a fascinating blend of techno-magic.

It is still a Casual Gamers paradise

I managed to stop the losing streaks. I even hit Bronze 2.
It was a slow climb to get my first Draw for the Season once I hit 150 Glint.

But, now with a firm lineup in mind, I look forward to moving beyond the Moxian Meta & see what new challenges await.

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