Hivebuilder Introduces: Splinterlands Community Validator token


What is a Splinterlands Validator Node?

Similar to witnesses on hive the validators of the SPS chain will verify transactions and as a result be rewarded with SPS token. The validators need licenses to run which cost up to $40,000 worth of SPS in the last phase of sale. You can view more details about the validator licenses in the post here: @splinterlands/splintershards-sps-validator-node-overview-and-license-presale

What is Hivebuilder?

Hivebuilder is a project run on the Hive blockchain set up and run by long time hive users.
The Hivebuilder team have previously ran 2 successful tokens on hive-engine.
HBT (currently paused)
DeFi (currently running)

What is the SCV token?

Splinterlands Community Validator or SCV token is a hive-engine based token created to run a community based Splinterlands Validator Node so that everyone can have their own part of being a validator by holding the SCV token.

Each token represents an equal share in the node.
The more you own the bigger your share.
Once the SCV validator goes live rewards will be distributed to token holders.


Validator rewards are received as SPS tokens for verifying transactions on the SPS chain.
All rewards will be distributed at a 60/40 split.
60% will be distributed among token holders.
40% for management fee and team. The 40% of team rewards will be split and used towards establishing a floor price and progressively doing buybacks.
This will insure the token has liquidity/price appreciation on top of dividends in the form of sps
The buybacks for the SCV token of which 50% will be used to buy at 0.01 the initial sale price backing it 1:1 and the other 50% will be used to fill market orders to allow token holders to sell their tokens for an increased price.

Price Pegged!

Each token will be sold at 0.01 hive from the official @hivebuilder account. We will always sell the SCV token for 0.01 hive and this will never change. We will buyback SCV token for 0.01 hive or more through our buyback program. Every token is of equal value. Buying day 1 or day 30 has no bearings on the price and we suggest to never buy at more than 0.01 hive per SCV.

Why The 0.01 Hive Pricing?

Firstly we want to give every single user an opportunity to buy the token and be involved. Even if you’re in bronze 3 and have very little hive you can still afford to buy a few SCV and have your own share in a splinterlands validator node, helping to process those transactions.

Why SCV?

This gives everyone the opportunity to have a share in a Splinterlands Validator Node. As individuals this is extremely expensive for you as an average investor, in the final phase of license sales the cost is $40,000 worth of SPS. The SCV token enables investors to have a share depending on your own individual circumstances.

The Strategy

We plan to buy SPS and VOUCHER tokens with the funds raised in order to purchase the community validator license.

Join The SCV Community

You can buy SCV today from hive engine or tribaldex.

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