Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Brawl analysis and spotting the best card of this brawl!


I love brawls! So here I will show my brawl games and at the end of each post, I will analyze my best monster.
So with no further ado

🛡️⚔️ Let's check on the brawl personal outcome ⚔️🛡️

I chose to play in Fray 5 because most of the times i get what is left (Last minute to pick as always) 🤷🤷🤷
🥉🥉🥉The Fray 5 had only Chaos cards allowed on bronze level. 🥉🥉🥉
I won 4 and lost 3.
Not the best brawl for me.😅😅😅

⚔️🛡Let the Battles Commence⚔️🛡

Aimless is a tricky one. I don't like playing with luck. So i minimized it with my line. I tried to target my fire power on the opponent's last card and i won.

Same strategy but i messed up the line putting my glad at the second before the end position.. Big mistake

The opponent had probably one of the two only summoners that could stop my double glad strategy.

This time i think that i was lucky of what my enemy lined up. My gladiator got the upper hand and so i won easily.

I couldn't win this game as i didn't have any life cards to work with. I tried but the enemy was well prepared

Here i encountered wisely the magic line up with my summoner. It was easy to read that the enemy will try to use magic since we have low mana monsters and Armored Up attributes. That was an easy win.

BATTLE 7(fled)


🤑Tips to lower the rental cost for brawling🤑

We don't need to rent all cards for the brawl, Some tips which will be explained are given below :

  • Understand the ruleset, mana & splinter properly, and rent cards according to
    the ruleset only
  • Think to counter the opponent's gladius cards
  • Think simply about how to counter opponent gladius cards using common cards

❤️❤️ My MVP card ❤️❤️


A bright-eyed and loud-mouthed 5 year old stood tall on the bow of her daddy’s ship, holding onto the rail tightly as the boat tilted toward the sky before teetering over another wave. The ΛZMΛRÉ seas were especially choppy that day and a storm quickly brewing, but little Katie didn’t care. She felt like she was flying in those moments.

After the ship came slapping back down onto the churning water, Katie looked over her shoulder and there was daddy fighting with the wheel. She could see the crew behind, pulling ropes, tying knots and screaming inaudible curses at each other and the oncoming storm. Her daddy shouted “Get away from the edge!” There was another wave coming, but Katie obeyed her father and ran to his side.

“Hold onto me!” her father said as he steered the massive ship straight into the coming wave and braced himself. She wrapped her little body around his tree trunk leg just as he’d taught her. She knew she was safe holding onto his leg. Her daddy was the strongest man on the ship.

“When I grow up, my ship will sail up there!” Katie screamed at the top of her lungs while pointing at the sky just before the impact. Her father looked down at her, smiled fearlessly and chuckled out loud.

As the wave hit, Daddy was laughing and shouting “ready to fly!?” She was. Katie felt an incredible rush as the ship pointed straight toward the sky, but this wave was considerably bigger than the others. It engulfed and capsized the ship, and somewhere in the chaos, Katie lost her hold on her father’s leg. Katie was one of only three souls on the ship that night who survived; her father was not among them.

More than 2 decades later, Captain Katie stood on the front deck of her airship as it tore the blue skies above Khymeria. The wind was whipping her face, but she didn’t mind. Most of the other airship captains wear thick scarves on their faces to prevent windburn, but not Katie. Her skin is too tough for the likes of windburns. She was suddenly reminded of that tragic life-changing day when she lost her father, and she wondered if he would be proud of how she now sails in the sky.

Not only is Katherine Windrun the best airship pilot in Kyhmeria, but she pioneered in the recent creation of these mechanical sky beasts. Because of the crystal propulsion system that can be constructed there alone, Khymeria is the only Splinter that has taken to the skies. Her ship, Windrunner 2 is without a doubt the fastest of the airships. It can be sailed with a crew of as few as four people and a single boiler generates all the steam that is needed to fly the massive vessel.

Captain Katie was recently offered a handsome reward by the Order of the Silver Shield to sign onto a one-year term as a Moxian Gladiator in the representation of Khymeria. While flying has always been her passion and her life, fighting has been her favorite hobby. She is skilled in all weapons of close combat and forms of physical defense. She also has a bunch of steam-powered tricks up her sleeve, different applications of the same crystal tech that allows her to fly.

🤔Why this card??🤔

The fact that this card has the spine as an attribute can work really well in brawls to target the enemy's low-life Magic, Range, or non-attack cards. This gives a fast boost up to my cards stats.

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