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Hello Fellas! Welcome back to my blog, @fighter58.


In this opportunity, I would like to share to all of you my greatest battle using Carrion Shade in my Line Up. As we know that Carrion Shade is different with any other monsters since he doesn't has Sneak, Range nor Opportunity to attack the enemy from the backline. But..., what if we use him in the battle which has Equal Opportunity and Equalizer rule sets? Those will make Carrion Shade become super power monster since he can attack from any position and having the same health point as the highest health point of monster in either team. Are you curious with the battle?

Alright, Let's jump into the battle right away!

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Monster Stats and Skills

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The strength of Carron Shade is his mana cost, which is only 1. That makes us afford to arrange lots of monsters and build strategy on the team. At Lv. 1 - 2 he has not activated his flying ability yet, but started from Lv.3 and above he has flying ability which is very useful in earthquake rule set.

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At Lv.1 - 6, His melee attack is only 1 so he doesn't really powerful to be used as a striker, the main use of this monster is for attack absorber as we can put him in the last position to absorb enemies sneak attack. At Lv. 7 - 10, Carrion Shade attack increased become 2 and this is pretty awesome considering his mana cost is just 1 only. The 2 melee attack will be useful in the battle which has Equal Opportunity, Melee Mayhem, or Super Sneak rule sets.

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Battle Link

Well, here is the battle link where we can see how Carrion Shade might become a beast in the Equal Opportunity and Equalizer. You might want to check this out guys :


I have uploaded the battle on youtube as well, here it is :

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Mana and Rule Sets


equal-opportunity (1).pngEqual OpportunityAll Monsters have the Opportunity ability. They may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health.
equalizer (1).pngEqualizerThe initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

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Line Up

Contessa L'ament
This is my favourite Death summoner when there's no other option for splinter except death because I'm thinking that the chance to de-buff ranged attack is higher than melee attack (Using Zintar Mortalis).

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"In Equalizer Rule Sets, Health Point doesn't matter. In this rule set, I tried to set as many monster as I can (which I think useful) in the battle"
Reason to Pick Up
Cursed Slimeball
I put this monster because it has 1 mana cost only, and 1 attack so not only become tank monster to absorb enemies attack, He can also attack the opponent by 1 melee attack. As I have stated above, health point doesn't matter in the equalizer rule set.
Creeping ooze
I used this monster almost in all battle because his mana cost is just 1 and it can reduce the opponent's speed which allows all my monsters to attack first and reduce the chance of "miss". In equalizer rule set, the Creeping Ooze's HP become the same as others.
Carrion Shade
The main reason to use this monster is because he costs 1 mana cost only and 1 melee attack. The attack will be useful in Equal Opportunity since he can attack from any position in the battlefield. Another good point from Carrion Shade is that he has 2 speed. Enough speed to attack opponent.
Life Sapper
His Life Leech skill will be very important to make him as a tank in case of Carrion Shade was falling down. His skill allows his health to increase each time he damages an enemy Monster's health in proportion to the damage dealt. Such very amazing skill which makes him as a rare monster.
Undead Badger
He has the highest speed in the team (3) which allows him attack first in the battle. His Sneak ability will attack opponent monster in the last position. This is very important since sometimes opponent is hiding their key monster in the last position.
Halfling Alchemist
This is my key monster in the line up. The reason is because he has the halving ability which can halve the opponent attack after getting hit by him. Such a wonderful skill that makes him as an epic monster. You might see in the battle how crucial his role is.

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Battle Analysis

Round 1


At the first round, both team are reducing their opponent team using Creeping Ooze which makes the speed of almost all monsters are equal (1), except Undead Badger (2).

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Round 2


Creeping Ooze owned by Thaddius Brood has been killed since the total attack of Contessa L'ament team is 4 in the backline while Thaddius Brood team is only 3. It makes the speed of Contessa's team become faster and they are ready to attack Dwarven Wizard first in the next turn.

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Round 3


Thaddius team have successfully killed Ooze and it makes their speed back to normal but it was too late. The health point of Furious Chicken reduced to 3 only and it Looks like the Haunted Spirit will move forward as a tank monster to replace chicken which means Dwarven is the only monster in the backline and being targeted by all of Contessa Team. At Lv.2 Chicken has no attack so the Cursed Slimeball stays at 7.

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Round 4


Chicken dies and Haunted Spirit replace him. Now Haunted Spirit will focus to attack Cursed Slimeball while Dwarven wizard is being targeted by all of the Contessa L'ament team. His 5 HP would not last for long.

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Round 5


Dwarven Wizard HP becomes 1 only while we can see the Life Sapper's HP is always increasing each round after being successfully hit his opponent health.

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Round 6


Dwarven Wizard dies and Haunted Spirit is the only monster left in Thaddius Brood team. Halfling Alchemist has successfully halve the Haunted Spirit attack become 1 only and we can see the match is so unbalanced between both team. At this round we can see who will win the match.

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Round 7


Now it's 1 vs 4. Speaking of attack, Thaddius Brood team has 1 melee attack and Contessa L'ament has 4 attack in total. Altought Haunted spirit have heal ability, it won't help since he received more damage than the amount of HP he could heal.

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Round 8


Haunted Spirit keep getting damage by all 4 monsters, Carrion Shade, Life Sapper, Undead Badger and Halfling Alchemist. the attacks make his HP become 3 at the end of round while Life Sapper HP increased to 13! very insane.

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Round 9


Finally, Haunted Spirit dies, after getting enormous attack from Contessa L'ament team. the match is over, Contessa and Carrion Shade win the battle.

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Alright guys, that's all I can share to all of you about how Carrion Shade in Equal Opportunity and Equalizer rule sets. If you have any thought or question regarding to my idea, feel free to put it on the comment section below. Stay tune on my post to keep updated regarding battle tips and trick to earn more DEC reward. For those who are not playing Splinterlands yet, If you are interested to start playing and don't have any referral yet, you can use my referral link :


Stay Safe, Keep Grinding DEC and.... Bye~

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  • @carrieallen : for the Markdown Tutorial lesson. That is amazing guideline.
  • @shaidon and @grapthar : for being very kind, answering all of community answer on telegram. I hope you like my current post guys.

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