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Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, @fighter58!

Alright guys, in this post I would like to share to all of you about how to easily defeat Waka Splinterblade. As we know that Waka is the most expensive Legendary Summoner as his ability, poison, and very effective 3 mana only. Here is the price comparison between Waka and some other expensive death legendary summoner in the In-Game marketplace.

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As we can see in above picture, Waka price as per March 1st, 2022 is $2,199. Way more expensive than Crypt Mancer ($357.99) and Mimosa Nightshade ($179.99). In small mana, Waka will be overpowered since most of monster has low health point and poison will kill them soon, but if the battle has high mana, I think Crypt Mancer and Mimosa Nightshade has more advantage since they have more de-buffs for some rounds in battle. Besides, In high mana, Monster basically has high health point so the poison effect would not take any impact for some moment. Let's take a look more detail into the poison ability :
ability_poison.pngPoisonAttacks have a chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied.

"The Poison ability is triggered 50% of the time. Poison does not affected by shield or void".

Once your poison monster hit the target and the poison effect has successfully being activated, the targeted monster will take 2 damage each round automatically. Very deadly skill that even if you can survive longer than your enemy, poison will finish your enemy.

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Battle Strategy

#1 : Focus your attack to one point (Either to the 1st or last monster)
In order to make your attack works effectively, you need to arrange your monster to attack only in 1 direction. you can make them attack for the opponent's tank monster (1st position) or the last position using sneak ability or the 2nd position using the snipe ability.
Focusing attack will kill your opponent faster, one by one, they will all being killed and finally you can win the match. Alright, Here is the battle link where I have successfully defeat Waka Splinterblade Lv.2 on the way up to the Silver Leader board.

I have uploaded the battle video on the YouTube in case you want to watch the full match :

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Mana & Rule Set

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Rule SetNameExplanation
Combat-rule_super-sneak.pngSuper SneakAll monsters have the Sneak ability. Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster.
Combat-rule_close-range.pngClose RangeRange units can attack from position 1. Ranged monsters are the new Melee monsters.

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Line Up

MonsterNameReason to Pick Up
Pelacor Conjurer
This is my favourite tank in medium or low mana battle. Since he cost 2 mana only, it makes me comfortable to arrange my army. His flying ability increase the opponent's chance to miss their attack and his magic reflect skill is very useful to return magic attack to the enemy.
Celestial Harpy
I put this monster because she has very high melee attack (2), which become 3 after receive inspire effect from Silvershield Knight. Another ability, Flying, increase the opponent's chance to miss their attack on her. Her health point is also pretty nice (3) considering her mana cost which is only 2.
Silvershield Assassin
This monster is so deadly. With the help of inspire, her attack will be 6 (double 3 melee attacks). Her speed is also above the average for Silver leaderboard (4) which makes her attack prior to the other monsters. Additional 1 shield increase her defence towards enemy melee or ranged attack.
Feral Spirit
This monster has super speed with his 5 mana. His melee attack becomes 3 after receiving inspire ability from Silvershield Knight. His health point is fair considering his 3 mana cost. Another reason is Feral spirit has sneak ability, the same as Silvershield Knight and Uraeus.
I put this "Cobra" at the 2nd from the last because he has Armor to protect him self from opponent's melee attack. Due to the inspire effect from Silvershield Knight, his attack become 3. Deadly enough since average melee attack is 2.
Silvershield Knight
This monster has an important role for the team. his inspire ability gives additional +1 Melee attack for friendly monster. the ability helps the team to kill opponents faster. his high health point (6) and 1 Armor makes me put him in the last position as a tank monster since the rule set is Super Sneak.

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Match Preview

Round #1

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As you can see, the opponent set Lv.2 Waka as his summoner. He put Haunted Spirit as a tank towards my super sneak army unfortunately Haunted dies quickly after receiving attack from Feral Spirit and Silvershield Assassin. In the other side, my Pelacor Conjurer did very well to absorb magic attack and reflect the attack to them. My super sneak army have done the job very well since they killed Venari Bonesmith and Soul Strangler as well. The speed plays important rule here. Waka's army are very low so no wonder they died very quickly. The poison was activated in my Pelacor Conjurer so he will die in the next round.

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Round #2

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The opponent's Spirit Hoarder and Death Elemental dies quickly after getting attacked by Feral Spirit and Silvershield Assassin. Pelacor Conjurer has evaded Assassin and Knight attack using his flying ability but Uraeus reduce his health by 3 after his melee attack on him. in this round, The Celestial Harpy get poisoned after Deceiver attack so she will die in the next round. In this round the poison effect looks weak since the Life army outnumbered the Death Splinter. At this rate we all know who will win

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Round #3

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The rest of Life splinter attacked Deceiver and as we all guessed, he will die shortly. The main points of this battle are:

Focus your attack only to 1 point if your attack are magic, melee and ranged, but spread your attack if you have mosnter with poison ability to increase the number of monster getting poisoned.

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Opinion About Waka Splinterblade

In my humble opinion, Waka is actually quite strong, because he can give poison ability to all friendly monster and as we know, poison is so deadly skill. But, the main point that we have to remember 'as always' is never use slow monster with slow speed because the opponent (especially with higher speed and attack) will kill you first and your poison will have no use in the battle.
If I was a Waka user, I will try to spread my attack in order to give poison effect to as many monsters as i can. this way, the poison will work effectively since every round, the more monster get poisoned, the more damage the opponents took.

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Alright guys, that's all about my sharing related to how to defeat Waka Splinterblade, this is my first stretegy, I have defeated Waka two times, so I will share another way in another post, since this post have consisted more that 1.2K words, 😃. If you have any thoughts related to Waka or any thing Splinterlads-related you may put it in comment section below and let's have discussion guys!
Stay tune on my post to keep updated regarding battle tips and trick to earn more DEC reward. For those who are not playing Splinterlands yet, If you are interested to start playing and don't have any referral yet, you can use my referral link :

Stay Safe, Keep Grinding DEC plus Daily chest and Bye~

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  • @carrieallen : for the Markdown Tutorial lesson. That is amazing guideline.
  • @shaidon and @grapthar : for being very kind, answering all of community answer on telegram. I hope you like my new blog appearance guys.

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