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Hello Everyone! Welcome back to my blog, @fighter58.

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Well, I am going to share to all of you about why Halfling Alchemist is the real Gladius Killer. As we know that all gladius card has the "Bloodlust" ability which adds +1 point to all stats whenever they killed enemies. This ability could be too overpowered if no monster in the battlefield who could de-buff them. Fortunately, Splinterlands provide a monster with super ability to prevent Gladius cards from developing their stats further in the battle. Can you guess it? Yes, As you can see in the GIF above, the monster is Halfling alchemist, who could cut all the Gladius stats in half and rounded down. They will be very weak and finally die after getting attacked by opponent. Are you curious with the battle? Enjoy my post!

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Monster Stats and Skills

Alright, this is my second post related to Brawl Edition. The 1st post was about Isgald Vorst, The Opportunity monster from water splinter. Now Let's talk about Quora Towershead. Here is her Stats and skills :



Quora Towershead is belong to an epic Gladius Card. At Lv.1, her mana cost is 10 and her attacks are 2 melee attack and 2 magic attack with 3 speed and 11 mana so she is appropriate monster to be used as a tank. At the maximum level, her stats are not increased that much, her melee attack increased 1 point only and the magic attack remains the same. Her speed is 3 point at all level and her health point is 13 at maximum level. The reason behind this is because she has the bloodlust ability which adds 1 point for all stats after killing opponent.

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The first and the main ability that all the gladius card has. The skill is included as a "god" skill since every time gladius cards killed opponent, all of their stats will increase by 1. Such a monstrous skill that only 1 monster in ranked battle who has this ability, Grum Flameblade, the Legendary monster from Chaos Legion editon.

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This skill makes Quora Towershead become immortal since her health is 11. She is restoring 3 point of her health in each round. Suppose her health is 12, she could restore up to 4 health points in each round since heal ability will restore 1/3 of the max health, rounded down. All of the self healer monster is very appropriate to be used in the battle filed along with Scarred Llama mage since Llama will make them super immortal. You might want to see my post related to Scarred Llama post:


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This ability is pretty useful in Noxious Fumes, where all monsters in the battlefield are getting poisoned. Second, this ability will be really strong to fight against Waka Spiritblade since all of the poison attack would not give any impact on her. All the cards who have immune ability is belong to epic and legendary monster which implied that this skill is very rare.

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When this monster hit an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy. This ability is quite useful to be used in high league especially in gold league and above since we might see lots of monsters in that league are getting buffed each other. Once this effect is being activated the target would not be able to get any positive status anymore.

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Why Halfling Alchemist is a Gladius Killer

In this section, I would like to show you why Halfling Alchemist is a Gladius Killer. Here is the battle link where it shows clearly how Quora Towershead become very weak after getting hit by Halfling Alchemist :

I have uploaded the battle video on the YouTube in case you want to watch the full match :

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Mana and Rulesets

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Rule SetNameExplanation
super-sneak (1).pngSuper SneakAll Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability.
even-stevens (1).pngEven StevensOnly Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.

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Match Preview

Round 1

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In the first round, Flesh Golem got tremendous attack from his opponent but he can restore his health point perfectly (6 points) since he has heal ability and Wood Nymph helps him to restore his health point as well. In other side, Halfling Alchemist has successfully hit his attack to Quora Towershead and makes her 3 magic and 2 melee attack become 1 magic and 1 melee attack only. Quora has been weakened since the beginning so the Obsidian team can only rely on Queen Mycelia and Spirit Shaman only.

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Round 2

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Fungus Fiend of the Obsidian team has died after getting thorn effect. Spirit Shaman attacks have made Flesh Golem stunned so he can not attack Quora Towershead. Halfling Alchemist almost killed Quora should his attack hit her. She heal herself and the match continue.

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Round 3

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At this round, Obsidian Team has lost her tank monster since Quora Towershead was falling down. Spirit Shaman and Queen Mycelia has 4 health point only which is not appropriate to be a tank monster. Flesh Golem, even got stunned in each round, still alive after restoring 6 health point. Thanks to Halfling Alchemist, Spirit Shaman attack has been de-buffed also from 2 into 1 magic attack.

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Round 4

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Spirit Shaman health point in the end of round 4 become 2 only and looks like he is going to die in the next round and then only Queen Mycelia left on the opponent side. So far, only furious chicken down after getting attack by Fungus Fiend from the opponent side, but it doesn't matter since its role is for absorbing opponent sneak attack.

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Round 5

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Spirit Shaman dies and Queen Mycelia as well since their health points are just 4. The match is over. Mylor team wins the match.

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Opinion about Quora Towershead

Well, She has very high health point and heal ability which makes him very strong tank monster and really fits with Scarred Llama Mage. Her Bloodlust ability makes her very deadly for the opponent since whenever she kills the enemy, all stats will be added by +1. However all monster have weaknesses including Gladius card, they are weak against Halfling Alchemist, so they need to be accompanied by Cleanse monster to purify the having effects.

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Alright guys, That's all about my sharing related to "Why Halfling Alchemist is a Gladius Killer". If you have any thought you can put it in the comment section below. We can discuss it together 😄. For those who are not playing Splinterlands yet, If you are interested to start playing and don't have any referral yet, you can use my referral link :

Stay Safe, Keep Grinding DEC plus Daily chest and Bye~

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  • @splinterlands : for making the best NFT game in the world.
  • @peakd : as the platform tools for idea sharing.
  • @peakmonsters : for providing great tools for renting cards.
  • @monstermarket : for giving cashback whenever players buy the cards. That's awesome.
  • @carrieallen : for the Markdown Tutorial lesson. That is amazing guideline.
  • @shaidon and @grapthar : for being very kind, answering all of community answer on telegram. I hope you like my current post guys.

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