Splinterlands Spotlight: Blast Ability and Weekly Battle Challenge

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Hello Splinterlanders!
This week we are focusing on the blast ability.


In case you have been living with cave slugs and have no idea what I am talking about, It's like this..

Splinterlands is a digital draft style card game on the Hive blockchain. The cards in your collection are owned by you and can be leveled up or traded or sold. Many different abilities are attributed to cards. Today we are talking about Blast.

Depending on the rules of the match, a card with the blast ability will hit his opponent for damage and then pass half of that damage to the next enemy. There are many variables but for my example battle I tried to use as many blast cards as possible.

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I love this ability and the Fire splinter seems to have the most available. So I loaded up on blast cards and let er rip. The rule for this match was Silenced Summoners so no big whoop. If it would have been the Equalizer rule, You can bet your Brownie that I would put my Exploding Dwarf up front instead of the Serpent. The match was a bit lopsided but maybe that is just the blast power showing itself.

Click on the Elemental Phoenix to see the battle! >>>>>>

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There are so many different cards that have blast and so many different rules that could define the match that it is hard to get too deep. This is just the basics of Blast. It is super versatile with the snipe and sneak rules as well. Get those blast cards leveled up! You won't be sorry.

Which blast card do you use the most???

Thank you for checking out my battle for the weekly battle challenge and as always...

Keep being Cool Splinterlanders!!

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