Imagine Dragons in this week Share your Battle post [ENG - ES]


New Wednesday, like Sheffield, and a new edition of the "Share your Battle" post. This week we have an edition we could say of a free theme. Let's see what the Dragon deck has to offer and play a few games with some of its cards for this week's post. Let's go for it.
Nuevo miércoles, como el Sheffield, y una nueva edición del post "Share your Battle". Esta semana tenemos una edición podríamos decir de temática libre. Vamos a ver que tiene que ofrecernos el mazo Dragón y a jugar unas cuantas partidas con algunas de sus cartas para el post de esta semana. Vamos a por ello.
For this week's edition I have chosen one of my favorite cards in the Dragon deck. And it is that we are facing a magnificent tank with an ability that does a lot of damage to rivals with melee attack, decent speed and damage and, this is also important, it is a Reward card that can reach our team as a daily mission reward or, if we are not so lucky, buy it in the market at a very affordable price. As you may have already imagined, I am talking about Djinn Chwala.
Para la edición de esta semana he elegido una de mis cartas favoritas en el mazo Dragón. Y es que estamos ante un magnífico tanque con una habilidad que hace mucho daño a rivales con ataque cuerpo a cuerpo, una velocidad y daño decentes y, también esto es importante, es una carta Reward que puede llegar a nuestro equipo como recompensa de misión diaria o, si no tenemos esa suerte, adquirirla en el mercado a un precio muy asequible. Como ya habrás imaginado, estoy hablando de Djinn Chwala.



The thorns ability, in my opinion, is one of the most outstanding in the game. It is true that it is useless against rivals with magic or ranged attacks, but if in your analysis of the rival you come to the conclusion that a line-up with a melee attack is going to put you in contention, this ability can, and will, decant victory to your side. Djinn Chwala already has this ability at level 1, which, together with her good level of shield, 5 points, and the 9 life she has, make her a magnificent tank for those rival conditions abusing melee confrontation .
La habilidad de espinas, en mi opinión, es una de las más destacadas del juego. Es cierto que es inutil ante rivales con ataque mágico o a distancia, pero si en tu análisis del rival llegas a la conclusión de que te va a poner en liza una alineación con ataque cuerpo a cuerpo esta habilidad puede, y lo va a hacer, decantar la victoria hacia tu lado. Djinn Chwala cuenta con esta habilidad ya en el nivel 1, lo que unido a su buen nivel de escudo, 5 puntos, y los 9 de vida que presenta la convierten en un tanque magnífico para esas condiciones de rival abusando de la confrontación cuerpo a cuerpo.
Being an epic card, it can only evolve up to level 6. At which point it adds the Enrage and True Strike abilities. That is to say, it becomes a card that improves its attack and speed after attacking and that, in addition, does not fail its attack neither against rivals with a lot of speed neither against rivals with the flying ability. In addition to the fact that he has said level 6, he would have 4 attack points, 3 speed, 6 shield and a not inconsiderable 10 points of life.
Al ser una carta épica solo puede evolucionar hasta el nivel 6. Momento en el que suma las habilidades de Enrage y True Strike. Es decir, pasa a ser una carta que mejora su ataque y velocidad tras atacar y que, además, no falla su ataque ni ante rivales con mucha velocidad ni, tampoco, ante rivales con la habilidad voladora. Además de que ha dicho nivel 6 tendría 4 puntos de ataque, 3 de velocidad, 6 de escudo y unos nada despreciables 10 de vida.

Drake of Arnak.png


stats djinn.png

In the image above you can get an idea of ​​what upgrades and skills Djinn Chwala adds as his level increases.
En la imagen superior te puedes hacer una idea de qué mejoras y que habilidades añade Djinn Chwala a medida que va aumentando su nivel.
NameDjinn Chwala
Mana Cost8 points
AbilitiesThorns at level 1, Enrage et level 4 and, finally, True Strike at its maximun level.


The battle with the dragon deck has been really simple. It had a summon limit of 13 mana and did not alter battle conditions. With these conditions and knowing the summoner he was going to use from the beginning, Drake of Arnak, there was only room left in the lineup to place Djinn Chwala as a tank and another card with a cost of 1 next to it. The one chosen in the end was Hardy Stonefish from the water deck for having a base shield point without counting the extra provided by the summoner.
La batalla con el mazo dragón ha sido realmente simple. Tenía un límite de invocación de 13 puntos de maná y no alteraba las condiciones de batalla. Con esos condicionantes y teniendo claro el invocador que iba a utilizar desde el principio, Drake of Arnak, solo quedaba hueco en la alineación para colocar a Djinn Chwala como tanque y otra carta con coste 1 junto a ella. La elegida al final fue Hardy Stonefish del mazo de agua por contar con un punto de escudo ya de base sin contar el extra aportado por el invocador.




Drake of ArnakAlthough on occasion I have rented other dragon summoners such as Delwyn Dragonscale or Brighton Bloom, for this challenge I decided to go for the starter summoner and play with its additional shield point that it provides.
Djinn ChwalaThe rival raised a war of thorns. And in this peculiar melee war, the start shield of Djinn Chwala was no match for the thorn damage that Cursed Windeku dealt. The game was already decided from the starting lineup.
Hardy StonefishYes, it is possible that the ideal position for this mini water deck tank was the first position. But this week's challenge is with the Dragon deck and I decided I shouldn't bother or overshadow Djinn Chwala which is the card I really wanted to show in this week's challenge.


The Dragon deck has some of the most interesting cards in the game. Including some top level summoners. One of those cards is Djinn Chwala, which, in addition, being a reward, can reach our deck completely free of charge. In battle conditions where the rival proposes a melee battle, its performance is outstanding.
El mazo Dragón tiene algunas de la cartas más interesantes del juego. Incluídos algunos invocadores de nivel top. Una de esas cartas es Djinn Chwala que, además, al ser reward nos puede llegar de manera totalmente gratuita a nuestro mazo. En condiciones de batalla donde el rival plantee una batalla cuerpo a cuerpo su rendimiento es sobresaliente.

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