Back to Gold II, but getting some crappy luck on packs lately.


After some back and forth battling this past season, im back up to Gold II tier. I rotate between using my cards, then renting, and still trying to get every single daily quest.

Today was the water splinter challenge. Nothing good in my reward chests though.

Been buying just a couple packs lately, but been opening up crap mostly.

I did get the Adelaide Brightwing, just regular foil. Decent health, magic damage 2, flying ability, and the armor ability


How about the price action on our beloved SPS, getting smashed and smashing some of our hopes it seems.


My gosh, from its highs couple months ago, its been a nonstop landslide. Price action always has a way of surprising us and catching off guard. I bought some more last night, even though i have no business buying again. Oh well. Im grinding hours at work regardless to keep paying off debts.

Lot of good analysis from some of the bosses out here. Glad to see support and excitement for splinterlands still. Keep it up you monsters!

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