Splinterlands Land Update Episode 5 with the Weekly Land Market Report - 1/7/24

Good morning Splinterlandians and Praetorians!!!

I am VERY excited today... or perhaps just overly caffeinated 🤔 Maybe both?


Why am I excited, you may be asking?? Because it's Sunday and I do my Weekly Land Updates on Sunday!!! I really enjoy writing this piece every week and there's been some EXCITEMENT this week and I can't wait to cover it!!

First, let's take a look at the overview of the Map of Praetoria and get the Land Data...

Praetoria Overview 1-7-24.png

Ohhhh man... LOOK at that!! THIS IS BIG NEWS FOLKS!! HUUUUGE!!! 👀👀👀

Whats Next.png

📢📢 Region 138 - Shadowvale... HAS BEEN COMPLETELY CLAIMED!!! Next Available Plot: R139 - Virren: Tract 04, Plot 006!! 📢📢

If you remember from last weeks article... well... you probably don't... so if you want a refresher:

Land Update Ep4

Last week, when I wrote up my Land Update, we were at Region 138 - Shadowvale: Tract 10, Plot 083!!

Which meant when a Land Plot was Claimed, it would be in Shadowvale...

The next Tract, was R139 - Virren: Tract 004
The next Region was R140 - Doom Edin

However... as of this week folks... With R138 - Shadowvale Completely FULL... The Next Plot is R139 - Virren: Tract 04, Plot 006!! Wooohoooo!!

Lets go see what has happened on the ground over the last week! Let's get you the latest developments from our reporter in the field... we go to the scene now, LIVE, with none other than... ME - CaptainDingus!!!


"Alrighty - thanks me... and THANK YOU... for joining us for the latest breaking news, straight from the world of Praetoria... in the SplinterLANDS we all know and love 😉"

Big developments down here on the ground folks... I am excited to show you all the NEW Land uncovered since our previous report but FIRST... Something happened this week that's quite possibly MORE exciting than the new land...

I know that's a tall order but... hear me out and then you decide!!

In my last report, I mentioned there was a Castle for sale! @kush-hyg was selling some high end real estate and there's nothing higher end than a freakin' CASTLE!!

Originally Kush listed it for $40k - which would have been amazing had it sold... 40 Million DEC... Mind Boggling #'s

After it didn't move at the $40k mark... it was reduced and reported on in our last weeks piece: It was now for sale @ $19k!! That's a $21,000 or 52.5% discount!!

I got the news this week... just recently as a matter of fact... THAT THE CASTLE SOLD!!! HOLY CRAP!!!

After some digging on Peakmonsters and Mav Chat in Discord, I present to you, the proud new owner of the Castle in the Swamp... Shrek!


Haha oops! Just kidding - wrong clip, sorry about that folks...

Congratulations @jesterago on your Brand New (to you) Battlement in the Bog... Your Stalwart Castle of the Swamp... Your... Ok... I'm out of hype words... so here's some confetti: 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 WOOOO!!! Congrats my Lord, my Liege!!! CONGRATULATIONS Jesterago!!!


As 1 of only 150 Castles spread across the Land of Praetoria... She is a sight to be seen!!

Whew... with all the excitement of a Castle changing hands and possibly even changing LIVES... you might think I am worn out and that the rest of the report pales in comparison... BUT YOU'D BE WRONG!!

With Shadowvale being FULLY Claimed - Let's go get a report on the Land that was Surveyed and set our sights next, on R139 Virren!!


Ok folks, we're back in R138 Shadowvale and quite possibly won't be returning for a while... We're headed into the field to meet the new Landowners and congratulate them on their New Plots - I'll be sure to point out any amazing discoveries and I'd love to have your help in Congratulating those who uncovered them!!


Here's one last look at the topography of Shadowvale...

In the North there's a forest, as we move South we see a river come to an end in the East and feed a boggy swamp land stretching across the land to the West. Further South we see a Montainous/Hilly Region with a refreshing Mountain Lake in the SW. As we get to the Southernmost area, we see a Forest bordering the Lake and that turns to primarily Mountains and Tundra.

Picking up where we left off last week, we start todays adventure in the bush at R138 - Shadowvale: Tract 10, Plot 83!! Let's see what has been discovered and meet the lucky owners!


Err - it's something like that anyway...

Starting with Plot 83... @agewriter has Claimed a lovely Common Mountain!! Congrats on being our first highlight of the week!!! They've dedicated this plot to harvesting Grain and has a nice little farm going!!

That will last until Land 2.0 comes out, when we get the major revisions for Land Types & Buildings! See the WP series from @splinterlands for details!

Moving on from the lovely little farm... we see agewriter again with P84 and it's a Rare Natural Mountain with a small Shard Mine on it, producing SPS! Probably why they are farming next door - gotta keep those workers fed! Congrats on the Rare Land find!!

P85 is an, as of yet, unsurveyed plot - owned by @mr-monk... Good luck on that survey ol' chap!!

P86 is a (C) Forest owned by @tekflow and construction is underway for a Grain Farm! Congrats Tekflow!

P87 is... OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT!! Agewriter comes back for MORE and SURVEYED AN EPIC MOUNTAIN PLOT!!! They have a Shard Mine up and running - definitely why they needed that Grain Farm!

P88 is agewriter AGAIN!! (C) Mountain - Magic [Death] Plot!! This guy is LUCKY!! Share some of your luck with Mr-Monk and help him survey a great plot too!!

Out of four Plots so far, agewriter has Surveyed: 1 Epic, 1 Rare, 1 Magic(C) and 1 Common Natty... Quite the lucky player!! I hope your streak continues!


Moving on to Plot 89...

P89 is under construction as @bigdizel builds a Grain Farm on their (C)Tundra! I hope you're building a hydroponic farm... as it is COLD AND SNOWY up there... One can only grow the hardiest of grain in these climates 😉!!

P90 is... Congrats @yokosama!! You have Surveyed another EPIC MOUNTAIN!! I see your Shard Mine in operation and your lads are working hard, earning you that SPS!

P91 is... tingly... I feel it... Yes!! @sapper11g has discovered a RARE MAGIC [FIRE] MOUNTAIN!! In the distance I see smoke from the chimney of his Research Hut... which can only mean he has a team dedicated to researching... stuff.


What stuff you ask...? No idea!!! But we will learn soon!! I think... In @yabapmatt we trust!!!

Congrats again sapper11g - quite the find 😁

Coming up to P92 we see sapper11g has built a quaint farm upon a (C) Mountain plot and is using that grain to feed his researchers next door... probably.

P93 is a (C) Tundra claimed by @mchurchm and it's sitting here, resplendent in its natural glory... for now.

P94 is a (R) Forest, also claimed by mchurchm - congratulations on the Rare! We can see a squad building a Shard Mine in the distance and piles of dirt strewn across the landscape as they labor to open the mine!

P95 is ANOTHER (R) Mountain uncovered back-to-back by mchurchm! Wow! Nice work!!

P96 is (C) Tundra owned by @hardolin but with nothing going on, onsite - from what we can tell.

P97 takes us up to another (C) Moutain, this one owned by @skarhool! Congrats on the find, we can't wait to see what you build!

P98 yields another (C) Mountain by @hurtlocker - again waiting to see what gets built!

P99's owner @cryptovault has yet to start construction on their (C) Mountain but I'm sure they won't wait long!

This bring us to the final Plot in the FINAL TRACT of Shadowvale...


That's right... Tell'em Steve Perry Joey Tempest!!

Great catch Joey|Breakingbenjamin - how did I mix them up?!?

Plot 100... In Tract 10... In Region 138 - SHADOWVALE IS.................!

SKARHOOL!!!!!!!! You ol' rascal!!!! YOU LITTLE SCAMP!!! YOU... LUCKY FINDER OF A (C) Forest Magic [Life] plot!!! I see your Research Hut is under construction and now I see why your other plot (P97) isn't under construction - you're hard at work building this one out! Congrats on the find!!

Wow... what an exciting trip through Shadowvale... Well we must bid this Region farewell and we can't rest yet... We're off to R139 - Virren to see what's happened since our last report!



As we arrive in R139 - Virren: Tr... What do you MEAN you didn't know Praetoria has Airlines, Highways and Railway Systems... Of course they do! How do you think I get around to do my reports... What do you think this is?!? Some sort of backwoods, undeveloped, barbaric "Fantasy Land" with Magic and Dragons... pfffffffffft ok 🙄

Like. I. Was. Saying... Before being interrupted... As we arrive in R139 - Virren...

I hope you remember last week that Tracts 01, 02 and 03 had been Claimed... with Tracts 01 & 02 being fully surveyed and T03 being left 96% UNsurveyed...

This means, that after R138 - Shadowvale was completely claimed... the next Plot would be in whatever Tract was next to be claimed...

There were no further Tracts claimed over last week so Tract 04 is where we resume our journey - in Virren!

Let us resume our travels and discover who Claimed the first Plots in Tract 04 of Virren and what they discovered! It is a short trip, as there are FIVE that have already been Claimed... I am giddy with excitement!


P001 in R139 - Virren, Tract 04 is... a Rare Badlands!!! This (R) Baddy was Surveyed by @tufkat and while I am certain they have plans to develop the land... it is currently lying dormant... Congratulations on being the FIRST PLOT OWNER in Virren!

P002 is... holy cow!! Virren is starting off with a BANG!! Plot 2 is an EPIC BADLANDS!! @lizardemperor is the lucky owner and is busy building a Grain Farm on their homestead... We won't bother them so let's check out the final three plots that were Claimed & Surveyed this week!

P003 is a (C) Badlands discovered by @syncrinity - this one is up for sale already and they're asking $58 for it...

That is a little above the current "Low Mkt Price" for a Common Natty Land, which is $37... However... Land Prices are expected to rise so they may very well get this asking price soon! Only time will tell - congrats on your Plot and good luck with the sale syncrinity!!

P004 is also owned by syncrinity and this time, they Surveyed a (R) Baddy and it too is for sale: $99 or 104k $DEC... again, a little above the "Low Mkt Price" for Rare Nattys, which is currently: $59

Congrats on the Rare Plot and good luck with this sale too!

The final Plot for the week is Plot 005 in Virren's Tract 04... Let's go meet the owner and see what they found!

P005 is another Badlands - this one is a Common and the owner is @ndirish8988!! Congrats on owning this Plot...

If this is your first Plot... that makes you 1 of less than 150,000 people in the entire WORLD... to own a piece of Praetoria! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

I can see you're hard at work on the construction of your Shard Mine and I wish you nothing but luck with that and here's to the $SPS you'll be bringing in!

That's all we have from the field today!! Now we'll cut back to the financial desk, to get you the latest market updates for Land and track the Week over Week Prices and Availability...

Let's go to another Me... Back in the studio... What do have for us, data wise??


"Thanks Field Me... and thank you, reader, for joining me! Your adorable Ruffporter 🐶"

Now this section isn't as exciting as the coverage Field Me reports... but in my eyes... it is every bit as important to track the Price and Availability of the Land for Sale in Praetoria... as it is to see the new discoveries.

Obviously the biggest news in the Land Market this week was the sale of the Castle by kush!! But we've covered that already so there's no need to rehash it.

With that being said, let's take a look at the Land Market and see what has taken place since our last report 😃

Coming to you live from the Peakmonsters Land Market Tab, we have the latest Land Data for you!!

Natural Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (946) [-52 ]: $37 {No Change from Previous Report}
Rare (163) [-18 ]: $59 {+$.20 from Previous Report}
Epic (39) [-6 ]: $188.88 {+$18.98 from Previous Report}
Legendary (4) [-2 ]: $699 {-$.99 from Previous Report} -- What a deal 😅

It looks like even though the Common Land price isn't changing much... the QUANTITY available is dropping and we see 5, 15 even 30% reductions in Supply!

If this declining supply continues, one must assume that price will do the opposite as long as demand stays constant... and things can get spicy if the supply continues to dip and demand were to suddenly... increase

We'll keep an eye out on this developing story - be sure to check back here next week for the update on the Natty Land for sale across Praetoria!

Magical Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (52) [-5 ]: $130 {+$5 from Previous Report}
Rare (20) [-4 ]: $169 {-$30 from Previous Report}
Epic (18) [+3]: $349.99 {+4.99 from Previous Report} -- "Only 2 at this price, then $500+..."
Legendary (4) [NC]: $1,299.99 {+$65.99 from Previous Report}

Occupied Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (15) [+3]: $394 {+65! from Previous Report} -- "+20% Price move!!"
Rare (5) [-1 ]: $525 {+$26 from Previous Report}
Epic (3) [+1]: $1,337 {-$413!! from Previous Report} -- "Love the 133t reference @aatrox and THAT looks like a DEAL compared to the trend"
Legendary (2) [NC]: $5,000 {-$1,750 from Previous Report} -- "Kush-Hyg has another DEALIO up for grabs!!"

He has listed 1 of the 2 LEGGO OCCUPADOS for sale on Peakmonsters for only $5,000!! That's $3k under the FINAL remaining Legendary Occupied for sale, priced at $8,000. That is a 37.5% GAP between the two!!"

I can't tell you if $5,000 is a great deal compared to the past prices because I can't find a way to track prices of these assets over any length of time and the prices at which they SELL... If I had that, I could make a better judgement... but for now...

Compared to only the other Legendary Occupied Plot for sale... compared to last weeks market price of $6,750... Compared to the week before that at $8,000... I would hazard a guess to say $5,000 is an incredible deal... because Legendary Occupied Plots... seem to be MORE RARE THAN CASTLES 😵

Do with this data as you will!!! It's not financial advice, just data and my observations, with a humorous twist!

Speaking of Castles... Let's get to final Land Market... Mythics!

Mythic Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Keep (8) [+1]: $3,700 {+$201! from Previous Report} -- "Prices on Keeps are creeping upwards 👀"
Castle (0) [-1 ]: 404 Error! No Castles For Sale Found 😖

Thank you @jarvie, @asgarth and everyone else at @peakmonsters for providing this Market Data!! Please keep up the great work!! 💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌

Thank you for joining me for the Land Market Update... Now this is where we usually cut to the Card Rental Market report... but instead... this week we have a NEW Land Market Report Section for you... For the first time, I am happy to report to you the Peakmonsters data on Land CLAIMS for Sale!! I don't know why I didn't think of this before... but better late than never!!

Land Update Episode Number Five NEW FEATURE ALERT... LAND CLAIMS: as seen on Peakmonsters!

Land Claim (# Available) [+/- #]: High Bid$/$Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Plot Claim (39) [?]: $76 Bid/$124 Mkt Price {No Data}
Tract Claim (3) [?]: $110 Bid/$8,499 Mkt Price {No Data}
Region Claim (0) [NC]: $110 Bid/0 For Sale {No Data} -- See below 👀

Please note: there is only ONE Region left and it is owned by @deer3 - who this is and why they keep it... is a mystery!! We can extrapolate from that data that it is highly improbable we will see the final Region listed for sale, any time soon.

That's it folks, we've reached the end of Land Update Episode 5!! I have tried something new with this and have added/deleted a few things... As I continue to write these weekly reports, I shall continue to refine them!!


Thank you for joining me, here's the Tl;Dr for those who want the info without reading the story 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭:

  1. The remaining 18 Plots in R138 - Shadowvale have been claimed!
  2. We had 5 Plots Claimed/Surveyed in Virren's Tract 04 and the next Tract available is now R139: Tract 05!
  3. Land Markets are seeing reduced supply across the board with steady prices for Natty Land... but the majority of Magical/Occupied/Mythic Land plots are seeing rising prices
  4. There seems to be a sale on an Epic Occupied Plot and a Legendary Occupied Plot... as well as 2 Magical Rare plots for sale at $150 under the 3rd plot which is $500...
  5. We are in Region 139 Tract 04 Plot 005... Which means we have 11 remaining Regions left... or 116 total Tracts... or only 11,600 remaining PLOTS!
  6. Land 2.0 will stir things up as only certain buildings can be build on certain land!! This is probably one of the driving factors behind Land Price volatility...
  7. Land Claims section added to the report!
  8. Card Rental Market Update section removed and will be its own Weekly Report!

Thank you for joining me, even those who skipped to the Tl;Dr at the end 😞

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Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

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