Splinterlands Land Update Episode 12 with the Weekly Market Report - 2/27/24

Good morning Splinterfriends!!!


I am a little delayed... again... with my Land Update. Apologies.

The good news is: I replaced my Water Heaters Thermal Expansion Tank... ALL BY MYSELF!! (Got some instructions via text from my bro who is a plumber - clutch).

I did big boy things in the time I normally work on this... but here we are... a little late but better than never yeah?

wizard gif.jpg

Regardless - we press onward with the latest developments in the LAND of Praetoria!!

Last week, we left off with the HUGE SURPRISE that was Plot 22 - A LEGENDARY MAGIC PLOT discovered by @nichtwiesie - CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!!

Starting this weeks expedition from there, let's check in and see what they developed on this Legendary Magical Plot... The Disney World of Virren if you will!

Plot 22 - Legendary Magic [Death] Swamp... is still for sale, listed at just north of one million DEC!


Click the pic above to go directly to the Plot!

Before our adventure begins at this Legendary Plot. Let us check the overview and see what progress was made!


Holy CRAP!! It looks like the next Plot is going to be (R139) Virren, Tract 05: Plot 93!! That means SEVENTY PLOTS were Claimed and Surveyed over the last week!!


We have a lot of ground to cover folks!! Let's get moving!!


Join us, as we venture out into (R139) Virren, Tract 05 to get the latest scoop on what has been found by our friends in the Digital SplinterLANDS!!

Plot 23 is an as of yet unsurveyed deed, owned by @shawnmed - we will check back to see what becomes of this Plot!

Plot 24 is @shawnmed again with a Rare Magic [Death] Swamp!! Nice find Shawn!! No PP allotted so we move on!

Plot 25 is a Rare Natural Swamp Claimed and Surveyed by @dodger23 - another Plot with no PP so we must continue our journey!

Plot 26 is a Common Natty Swamp also picked up by @dodger23 and also not being worked yet... interesting...

Plots 27, 28 & 29 are Unsurveyed Plots owned by @businesssocks - great name lol - we will have to check back and see what becomes of these at a later date!

Plot 30 is a well known Land Mogul here in Virren: @mchurchm is back with more Land as they Claim & Survey a Common Natty Swamp to add to their portfolio!

Plot 31 is a newcomer! @oxclion has found a Rare Natty Swamp! Great job oxclion, we can't wait to see what you build!!

Plot 32 is part of the River running into Virren. This River is what is feeding the Boggy Swamplands... or are they Swampy Boglands? Who is to say? Regardless...

Plot 32 is also oxclion and they have a Common Natty River Plot!

Plot 33 is a repeat of 32! oxclion coming back for a second (C) N River Plot!

Plot 34 is OXCLION WITH AN EPIC NATTY RIVER!! Maybe this part has Rapids or Waterfalls or Anacondas... I'm not certain - but either way... IT. IS. EPIC!!

Great find oxclion!! May you continue to have luck like this!!

Plot 35 is a Common Natty Bog scooped up by oxclion - wow, quite a few Plots here oxclion!

Plots 36 & 37 are more (C) N Swamps and they're also oxclion!

Plot 38 is... Plot 38... THESE BUGS ARE HUGE WTF?!?!?! OH JEEEEEZE... I GET IT NOW... Plot 38 is a Common OCCUPIED Plot and these insects are the Deformed Denizens of the Dire Marsh... BLECHHHHHHHH!!


Nice find oxclion! I am happy to see you snag an Epic Natty and a Common Occupied!! I'm not sure how many Plots you Claimed/Surveyed but I wish you more luck!!

Leaving the menagerie of giant bloodsucking insects behind... we venture further into Virren...

Plot 39 is a Rare Natty Bog that has also been Claimed and Surveyed by this new Land Owner who bought a rather large chunk of Tract 05 in Virren... oxclion!

Plots 40-43 are more of oxclions growing territory!! They are (C) N Swamps and have added their number to oxclions portfolio!

Plot 44 is a Common Magic [Death] Swamp and yes... more oxclion! Wow you have 14 Plots and counting this batch!!

Plot 45 is a Rare Natty Swamp found by our esteemed Landowner - oxclion!

Plot 46 finds us returning to the River running through Tract 05 and this Plot is joined by Plots 47 & 48 as they are all Common Natty Rivers owned by oxclion!

Plots 49, 50 & 51 are MORE oxclion properties and they are (C) N Swamps! Holy cow oxclion, that's a lot of Plots you have!!

Plot 52 is a Rare Natural Swamp by our Landlord oxclion!

Plot 53 is a Thottie... SON OF A!!! I THOUGHT I BROKE THIS HABIT!!


No... Plot 53... is a Common Natty Baddie... aka a Common Natural Badlands... sheesh. Nice find oxc!

Plot 54 is a Common Magic [Water] Swamp and that too is oxclion - my goodness how many Plots did you get this week?!?

Plot 55 is a Rare Natty Swamp also picked up by the growing Land Magnate: oxclion!

Plot 56 is a (C) N Bog by our friend oxc

Plot 57 is a (C) N Swamp and it too joins their portfolio!

Plots 58-60 are River Plots and they are Rare, Common, Common and yes, you guessed it... OXCLION!!

Plot 61 is more oxclion territory: a Rare Natural Swamp!

Plot 62 is very... TINGLY... as we approach!! Oh yes!! GREAT FIND!!! You deserve this!! oxclion, who has Claimed/Surveyed the majority of Tract 05 in Virren thus far, has found an Epic Magic [Water] Swamp!! NICE!!!!

Plot 63 is an EPIC NATURAL BADLANDS!!! HOLY CRAP... That is one bad b!$%h right there!!



Plot 64 is a (C) N Swamp and yet another oxclion property!

Plot 65 is... wait!! dodger23 has come back for another Plot!! They found a (C) N Swamp here! Welcome back dodger 23!

Plot 66 is a Common Natural Swamp with a Small Shard Mine on it, owned by @heath88 ! Great job heath! We see you're hard at work extracting that SPS so we will leave you be!

Plot 67 is another (C) N Swamp owned by heath88 - this one has no PP, probably because they're working the other one right now 😊

Plot 68 is the terminal River Delta in Tract 05 and it is a Common Natty River owned by dodger23!

Plot 69 (nice) is a Common Natty Swamp by a familiar name that we haven't seen in awhile - @gvasil!! Good to see you gvasil and nice find!

Plot 70 is also gvasil and this one is a (C) N Bog!

Plots 71 & 72 are also gvasil and they are a pair of (C) N Swamps!

Plot 73 is gvasil coming in for their 5th Plot and this is a Common Natty Baddie... NO WAIT... Oh... I said it right... WOOHOO!!!

Plot 74 is a newbie to this area: @yakuzayazoo lol what a name 😅 They Claimed and Surveyed a Common Natty Bog and have about 3,700 PP developing it!

Plot 75 is a (C) N Swamp by newcomer @juront and they have a Tiny Grain Farm on it! Great work Juront and welcome!

Plots 76 & 77 are a pair of (C) N Swamps owned, but listed For Sale by yakuzayazoo!

Plots 78 & 79 are also (C) N Swamps owned by yakuzayazoo but not for sale?



You are the Baron of the Bog here my friend!! Congratulations!!!

Plot 81 is yakuzayazoo with another (C) Natty Swamp - not quite as good as your previous Plot 😉

Plot 82 is juront back for more with a Rare Natty Swamp this time! They have a tiny Shard Mine operational with about 8k PP bringing in .152 SPS/h!

Plot 83 is dodger23 with a (C) N Swamp!

Plot 84 is another newcomer: @ltdhussar with a Rare Natural Swamp sporting a tiny Grain Farm!

Plot 85 is also ltdhussar finding a (C) N Swamp, with a construction site currently underway!

Plot 86 is dodger23 back for another Plot with a (C) N Lake this time!

Plot 87 is another plot found by dodger23 and this one is a (C) N Swamp!

Plot 88 is @rt-hand-of-god with a Common Natty Bog! Welcome to the Land Owner Club!

Plot 89 is also rt-hand-of-god with a (C) N Swamp to add to their collection!

Plot 90 is more rt-hand-of-god with another (C) N Bog!

Plot 91 is dodger23 with a SWEET PLOT!! Nice find dodger23 with your Epic Natty Lake!!


Enjoy your Epic Cliff Jumping into that lake!

Plot 92 is a Common Natty Lake also owned by dodger23

This brings us to the final Plot of the week!!!

Plot 93 is... drumroll... a Common Natty Lake owned by @the-landlord!! Congratulations on that one and welcome to Virren!

Great work everyone and I hope you enjoy the Plots you Claimed and Surveyed!!

YakuzaYazoo - you lucky dog you!! Great job again scooping up that Keep!!

Now let's take a look at the final markets with the Market Update segment!!

Coming to you LIVE, from the @peakmonsters Financial Desk we give you your long awaited, always satisfying, never disappointing WEEKLY LAND MARKET UPDATE!!!

Let's see what updates and possible deals we can find in the Peakmonsters Land Market Tab!!

Before we begin, it looks like we have some MAJOR NEWS from the Common Natty Plots!! The $30 floor that held up for soooo long has BROKEN!!! @ndirish and @moriarty95 have a significant number of Plots available at $26.90 & $27 respectively! Lets go see what else has been shaken up!!

Natural Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (1295) [-28 ]: $26.90 {+$.90 from Previous Report}
Rare (270) [-15 ]: $38.25 {+$.25 from Previous Report}
Epic (55) [+2]: $125 {NC from Previous Report} -- " @trudders still low @ $125"
Legendary (10) [-1 ]: $529 {-$45 from Previous Report} -- "ANOTHER NEW MARKET LOW!!"

Magical Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (135) [-5 ]: $63 {NC from Previous Report} -- "prices may have stabilized"
Rare (43) [+3]: $89 {-$5.99 from Previous Report} -- "RARE MAGIC < $90!!"
Epic (18) [+1]: $265 {+$45 from Previous Report}
Legendary (3) [-1 ]: $999 {-$480 from Previous Report} -- "Nichtwiesie has TWO Legendary Magic Lands for sale!!!"

Let's head over and take a look at the Atrocities that they call "Occupied Plots"...

Occupied Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (26) [-6]: $210 {+$11 from Previous Report} -- "Supply getting REALLY low"
Rare (10) [NC]: $315 {-$83 from Previous Report} -- "seems deal-y to me!"
Epic (3) [NC]: $900 {-$100 from Previous Report}
Legendary (1) [-1! ]: $8,000! {NC from Previous Report} -- "This might be here awhile (until the Bull)"

Do with this data as you will!!! It's not financial advice, just data and my observations, with a humorous twist!

Coming up next, Mythics! But first, a word about our friends over at Peakmonsters!

Do you have a couple million $DEC just laying around?? Why keep that large and hard to store pile of crystals... when instead you could become a LORD!!!!

That's right, SIRE... You can become a Liege with ease... A veritable Tax Titan... you can put that DEC to work FOR YOU... All you gotta do is click on the image below and you'll be a few steps away from lounging in your very own Kingdom!!


(not official sponsors or affiliated with Peakmonsters at all - I just use their data and give them shoutouts as a thank you)

Mythic Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Keep (8) [+2]: $2,749 {+$1,249 from Previous Report}
Castle (2) [+1!!]: $14,000 {-$1,000 from Previous Report!} -- "see below"

@poliwalt10 still has their Castle for sale and the price is now down to $14,000!! It's located in (R053) Althainia, Tract 08... You too can be the proud owner of a Castle for the paltry sum of only 14,161,440 $DEC!!

WHAT IS CRAZIER... IS THAT @kush-hyg HAS LISTED ANOTHER CASTLE FOR SALE!!! This time at $14,500!!!!

Click the Castle below, to be taken directly to it!!


This is your chance to own 1 of 150 Castles in Splinterlands!!

Land Claim (# Available) [+/- #]: High Bid$/$Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Plot Claim (44) [-3]: $60 Bid/$90 Mkt Price {NC Bid/-$13.50 Ask}
Tract Claim (3) [NC]: $.10 Bid/$8,000 Mkt Price {-$109.90 Bid/NC Ask}
Region Claim (1) [NC]: $100 Bid/1 For Sale -- "Deer3 is still showing off their region for sale at $108k

@deer3 has not responded to tags for questioning unfortunately so their motives remain unclear... so cool to see though!


That's it folks, we've reached the end of Land Update Episode 11!! I shall continue to refine these as we go along and I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments!!


Here's the Tl;Dr for those who want the info without reading the story 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭:

  2. Land Markets experiencing some big swings!
  3. Occupied Plot supply is REALLY LOW
  4. Castle discounted to $14,000!!
  6. Conflict ROUND 2 is probably stealing the Spotlight 😒
  7. Common Land Plot floor @ $30 BROKEN!! $26.90 is holding

Thank you for joining me, even those who skipped to the Tl;Dr at the end 😞

Make sure you click the "Follow" Button and please leave your feedback, comments and thoughts below!!

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Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

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