Splinterlands Card Rental Market Update 4/17/23

First... I wanted to write a Rentmonsters piece... I really did...

But then I looked at the Splinterlands Rental Market...


Holy crap... this is the worst performing Rental Market I think I have ever seen...

My card values are down... My rental volume is down... and my overall account RoA% is only 7.34%... 🤢

I know it's at the BoS but still... this is significantly worse than last season or any other I can remember...

I pulled the Rental Market Data from Splintercards.com - again, super useful site for Splinterlands data and here's what I found...

Card Market.png

Just $2,805 in daily rentals - for the entire market! There were days that used to be well over $10k in Rentals but now, yikes...

Nothing is really renting for high RoA% right now and I just published my last post about me putting fresh capital in:


With the current status of the market, 7% RoA returns and switching focus back to Staked SPS/Pools...

I had to call off this episode of Rentmonsters until I can find one that's breaking the norms!!

I hope the Rental Market rebounds soon!!

Until then... I'll be posting other content about SPS/Defi/Crypto and Splinterlands :)

Have a great day and cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

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