Soulkeep Fiend Codex Rev 1.0 - Published 7-18-24

Good morning Splinterfriends and Soulkeepers!


As you may have noticed, there's a number of "missing features" that would make Soulkeep a little more user-friendly.

One of these missing features is a Codex that lists the Monsters and their stats, e.g. - Rarity, Abilities, HP, Speed, etc

There's not a lot of time before each round and that's the only time you can see what Fiends you face and their stats... if only someone, somehow made a post about that... OH WAIT... That's THIS post!!

I know I am missing a few and I may have some of the Rarities wrong... but it's not like we can see them whenever we'd like... for now, I hope this helps and I will post revisions when I add new monsters and/or update Rarities, etc!

Check out the list below and be sure to save this page for reference until we have an official, easily accessible guide 😄


Bloodling - Common

Bloodling - Common.png

These little guys are the first Fiends you encounter and are easy to kill... one at a time... but they rarely show up one at a time.

Note: Blood Queens spawn 4 of these per spawn

Recommended Towers: Charnel Pit, Jack's Joke

Book of Wounds - Common

Book of Wounds - Common.png

These books are one of the most common and basic fiends... but WATCH OUT if the Map has a SPEED or SPEED + HP boost because they will Shake & Bake like Ricky Bobby!!

Recommended Towers: Knife Tosser/Gloom Owl if solo or Charnel Pit/Jack's Joke if in bunches!

**Cauldron Dweller - Common

Cauldron Dweller - Common.png

The Cauldron Dweller is your basic Armored Fiend... It's a Cauldron (Big Pot)... made out of Iron... so yeah... that checks out


Recommended Towers: Card Sharp will ignore that pesky Physical Armor and do decent damage against these guys. Jack's Joke is the GOAT against them in groups though!

Flying Devourer - Common

Flying Devourer - Common.png

They're a mouth... with wings. Aptly named. They fly. They're fast. They die easily though... whew.

Recommended Towers: Knife Tosser works well against these guys as does Gloom Owl. Obviously the best tower against them is Quad Killer

Lesser Crow

Lesser Crow - Rare.png

These guys are annoying - they freeze your towers and if you have a mob running past a Splash Dmg tower like a Charnel Pit... and they freeze that tower... I only pray you layered your defenses 😬

Recommended Towers: All anti-air Towers work well but obviously Quad Killer is the best


Night Screecher - Rare

Night Screecher - Rare.png

Night Screechers are kind of a pain to deal with, especially when the Map has HP or Speed buffs and if they have a Pixie backing them up... you better be able to put out some serious damage in a hurry...

Recommended Towers: These guys shrug off 50% of the Dmg from Magical Attacks so Knife Tosser, Gloom Owl and Quad Killer are the best choices for dispatching these Fiends!

Terror Mite - Rare

Terror Mite - Rare.png

Terror Mites are the spawn (2) of the Slaying Mantis. They have a decent amount of HP and are immune to Poison.

Recommended Towers: If solo, any tower will do... but they're rarely solo... Your best bet is Splash Towers like Charnel Pit, Jack's Joke or of course... Quad Killer. You should probably throw in a Stun/Slow Tower for good measure though...

Oooooh... Now we are getting to the GOOD STUFF... On to the EPICS!!

Blood Queen - Epic

Blood Queen - Epic.png

The Blood Queen is the first Epic Fiend you encounter and as I mentioned previously - they spawn FOUR Bloodlings each time the poop out some critters. They're not super hard to defeat... but if you don't have enough Damage to take them out... their little turds might overrun your defenses!

Recommended Towers: To reach higher scores, your best towers are Tarantula Loom or Slime Lord. They stun/slow these guys so they have more time to spawn lil turds before hopefully being obliterated by your defenses 😜

Greater Crow - Epic

Greater Crow - Epic.png

The Greater Crow is like a floating balloon that freezes your towers... but when you kill it... it doesn't die... no... instead of being dead, when you "pop the balloon"... surprise!!! It's full of LESSER CROWS (5)!! This can be a pain, especially because they're only 50% affected by slowdown...

Recommended Towers: Quad Killer will dispatch them at long range (especially with Range upgrade). This can make or break the map for you! If you're not running QK any AA Tower Works but Knife Tosser is best (Range Upgrade) followed by Gloom Owl & Card Sharp.

**Pixie - Epic

Pixie - Epic.png

The Pixie is the Healer of the Fiends. They shrug off Slow/Stun hits and are very resistant to Magic Damage...

IMPORTANT NOTE: Despite having "wings"... PIXIES DO NOT FLY. They can be hit by any towers and that's REALLY USEFUL INFO, trust me.

Recommended Towers: High Damage towers are the best way to KO the Pixies... Quad Killer is #1 but also upgraded Knife Tossers, Gloom Owls and Card Sharps work well. If you're dealing with Mobs of Fiends... Upgraded Splash Towers help a ton!




If a Pixie fights your Celene and you don't have any extra backup damage to support Celene...



I hope you got that. Burn it into your memory.

Don't lose your Celene to a damn Bippity Boppity BONK from a Pixie!!!

Slaying Mantis - Epic

Slaying Mantis - Epic.png

Ahh yes... The Slaying Mantis...

Well... Something like that...

The Slaying Mantis is THEE key to a High Score. They spawn (4) Terror Mites every two seconds and good grief they have a ton of HP - 3500 to be exact!!

Stun/Slow them to get more Spawns... Kill the Spawns to get more Points. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy! Watch out for Speed/HP buffs though!

Recommended Towers: Tarantula Loom, Slime Lord for Stun/Slow and Quad Killer, Jack's Joke or Charnel Pit for dealing with them and the spawn!

That's the end of Revision 1.0 and I will add the others when I see them!

Monsters I need to add for L3 and below: Black Cat (Epic). Pumpkin thing (Legendary).

I know there are more from L4/L5+ and I'll be sure to add/update when I get up there!

Thanks for reading, I hope this helps you plan your defenses!!

That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!

Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!

They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!

If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!

You can sign up here: Splinterlands

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

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