Rental Market Hypothesis for the near future - 100% Speculation

Good morning Splinterlandians!

Today I would like to take a moment to talk about what I think MIGHT happen...

With Land showing up in a BIG WAY with the release of V 1.0 - if you haven't noticed, the price of DEC is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up...

I suspect very few people have actually paid attention to the secondary advice from Aggy and the gang "YOU'RE GONNA NEED LOTS OF HIGH LEVEL MONSTERS"...

Now we all want to MAX OUT our production of Land and in order to do so... we're going to need Runis and GFLs, like my boy Grum here...

GF Grum.png

With that being said... the price of GFLs has jumped significantly since Land 1.0...

But even with all the advice, the price of DEC didn't really budge much until AFTER the release of Land... so I think the "realization" of "OH SHIT I NEED WORKERS AFAFP" will hit the majority of players AFTER Land 1.5 comes out...

With that thought... I must consider that GFL will take ANOTHER jump in price...

However... I also believe that players who have a 1 BCX or even 2 BCX GFL that is VERY PLAYABLE... will end up using them as workers...

Which means the LOW PRINT RUN GFLs that are available... that are used in Diamond/Champ League play... are going to be SUPER HARD TO GET... so they will not only appreciate in value... but I hypothesize they will also have their RENT VALUES skyrocket as well...


My short term plan is to add in a select # of GFL cards to my Rental Specific Card purchases... in order to capture some of those gains...

I will post Rentmonsters #3 tomorrow but for now... I wanted to talk about the possible effects Land 1.5 and 2.0 will have on the cards that will give the greatest RETURN on Land... but also have the most restricted SUPPLY...

I hope that gives you some thoughts on possible cards to snag... and I hope that I am correct lol...

As always, thank you for checking out my piece on the ever evolving Rental Market of Splinterlands...

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

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