One Month of Soulkeep!

Good morning Splinterlanders and Soulkeepers!

As you may know, Soulkeep launched ONE MONTH AGO today!!


I am still active on Splinterlands but I have been writing about Soulkeep since it came out - trying to help kickstart the game by creating Guides, Strategies, Support Documents etc...

Side note: @tehox is working on some official stuff for Splintercards but until you nerds can look at the raw data - I am going to write it in my usual style :P

In addition to playing a fun new game - I mean... Tower Defense games are a classic! I have made some new friends along the way:

@thomaswrocks @tanyboi @arhov @hewitt @megabloop and many more!

I started a few days into the launch, my first games were on Thursday June 27th and as you can see... I didn't do very well lol

SK Day 1.png


However... perseverance is CRUCIAL, if you want to improve... or maybe if you even dare...


After a few days, weeks, I seemed to have "cracked the code" on certain maps and suddenly I was winning Tournaments!!

FLASHBACK - I've played Splinterlands since Sept 2021 or so and boy oh boy did I yeet some Bull Market profits into this game womp womp


But hey - that's ok right!


Anyways - I still believe it is a great project with a lot of potential, especially as framework for other games - that part was huge for me!

Soulkeep has recently come out, it's a fun game to play a few rounds of the game each day and the prizes are REALLY good!

How good? Check out these back to back tournament wins:





With those incredible prizes on the line, I had to aim for the TIP!!!

TOP!!! I had to aim for the TOP!!!

After one month of playing Soulkeep regularly... what are my thoughts and what prizes did I win???


A. The game is still very early in development and Double Coconut is playing a lot of catchup. The good news is, the player-dev coordinator Arhov is on top of things in the Discord!

B. This feels like it's baaaaarely past Beta... Lots of Bugs/Crashes/Etc and it appears they haven't finished things past League 7 because HOLY SHIT THE SOULS NEEDED TO ADVANCE PAST 7 ARE INSANE 😱



Annnnnnyways - back on track...

C. The game is fun and learning how to maximize your strategy is key, quite a few tournament wins were decided by 250 points or so, out of 15,000+!!!

D. Prizes are awesome and I feel like they are basically rewards for helping debug a game - which is cool too!!

Speaking of prizes... what were my total earnings over 1 Month of play???

SK 1 Month Results.png


Over 13,000 $SPS, a couple of Pots and a Nightmare Pack!!

All things considered... I am looking forward to what next month brings and I hope to see more of you guys in there with me!!

That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!

Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!

They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!

If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!

You can sign up here: Splinterlands

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

#Splinterlands #Soulkeep #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts #TowerDefense

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