Making fun of players who use Gladiators in Ranked Battles - ESPECIALLY BRONZE

Since the decision was to keep Gladiators in Ranked play... for NOW...

While I don't like it or agree with it... I must go along with it.

Since complaining about it is seen as "whining" in Discord... I shall do things differently 😉

I'll post the battles on here that I feel WOULD have gone another way, had the Opponent not resorted to using a Gladiator in Ranked Battles 🤷‍♂

Let me showcase two back-to-back L's I just took, that may have have been W's, had my opponent used any skill whatsoever and not resorted to Glad and/or Martyr Spam 😉


At the top of the Log we can see the Player @elderdark who is a member of the Guild: DRAGONS

Poison & Resurrect were the Rulesets for this match

Naturally, when a Player lacks skill, they play a variation of Martyr/Quora and in this case, at L3 Quora has Immunity - which means she is not damaged by Poison or other things like that.

While I can't guarantee I would have won that battle... there was no way I could win a 20 Mana Battle with Normal Cards against that lineup, with those Rulesets in place.

With a L3 Quora and plenty of SB Reward Cards... How is your rating so low at only 1,706 after beating me lol?!?! Maybe you do need those Gladiators after all 🤣


Looking back at the Battle Log we can see Player @tabzdagreat of the guild: 6KWORKWEEK


Again there is no guarantee things would have worked out any differently... but using the Gladiator "Katrelba Gobson", paired with the Soulbound Reward Card "Thane Newsong" along with some other good cards... that was not possible to beat with my lineup.

Katrelba/Thane is a phenomenal combo... but imo, like all other Gladiators... it belongs in the ARENA...

While LEGAL for play... it's kind of a cheap way to increase your Wins...

With that being said... nice win tabz... maybe next time use some skill instead of resorting to GladSpam yeah?


Le Sigh - let me go back to grinding my way through Silver, which is hard enough when playing against the skillful opponents... but made so much worse when you take an L from a low rated opp who runs a Quora/Martyr Sammich... womp womp

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

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