A Very Special Land Update - CaptainDingus style :)

Good morning Splinterfriends and Soulkeepers!!

CaptainDingus back with another Land Update 😎


It's been a long time since we visited the wilderness and today we have a VERY SPECIAL Land Update for you!!

A lot has happened since our last visit, let us see what new discoveries await!


As we enter Praetoria, we can see a lot of new Land has been uncovered - crikey!

Previously on Weekly Land Update 14


Alllllllll the way back in March I posted my last "Weekly Land Update" oof...

At that point we were in R139 Virren and the next Plot was in Tract 6, P65. The next Tract was in R140 Doom Edin T1 and the next Region was R140 Doom Edin.

Someone had bought Tracts 7-10 in Virren I guess 😋


Looking back we see where we left off... let us look to where we are today!



Oh my my my - quite a bit has happened!!


Quite a bit indeed!!

Based on this cursory, top down overview... someone fired off a REGION!!!


We'll definitely have to check on that!! But today is a special day for me... a special day for good ol' CaptainDingus 😍 and I am excited to share my special day with you... and of course... to give you the latest Land Update in Praetoria!

Now... It's been a LONG time... So let's get to it!! The Baddies await!!

No... No. They're Badlands Dingus... Badlands.


First up - let's go see who claimed R142 Gillan Dol!


I believe Congratulations are in order for someone named @splinterpartner 🎊


Congratulations - Region 142 Gillan Dol is all YOURS!!!


Now, we are headed into R141 Glorhiel to get the latest developments and see why I am so excited to write this Land Update!


From this vantage point, looking into R141 Glorhiel, we can see Snow Capped Peaks of frozen Tundras give way to Mountains and then past the Bogs we have some rolling Hills.

This looks to be very fertile land and would be a wonderful place to Farm Grain, if you're into that sort of quaint country life...


Quaint indeed...

Let us focus today on Tract 5. That is where the forefront of discovery lies! The edge of surveyed land! The Border of... of... ahhh you get it.

So we begin!!

Region 141, Tract 05:

Plot 1 is where we begin and it is a Common Natural Mountain owned by @mobetare - they have a tiny Grain Farm being built into the Mountain-side with about 4.4k Production! Wave as we pass, we should let them continue their construction efforts!

Plot 2 is another C (N) Mountain owned by @killians-wrath - this Plot is sitting dormant, perhaps waiting on Workers or Orders or who knows? Not much to see other than the majestic beauty of the Mountains, so we move on!

Plot 3 is a C (N) Tundra also owned by Killian and their Wrath! Brrrrr... bundled up and it's still COLD!! The wind chill is like negative a million or something!!


Plot 4 takes us out of the Freezer and right into the Soup! Definitely going to get a Cold from this... @star-shroud owns this Plot and it is a Common Natural Bog! At least it is warm, even though it is currently empty.

Onward! To Plot 5!!

Plots 5, 6 & 7 are also owned by Star-Shroud and also empty C (N) Bogs...

Not a terribly exciting Tract so far but the people are pleasant so far! Although it is a little sparsely developed at this time lol


Plot 8 is another Common Natty Bog but this one is owned by @baddaydoctor - BADDY!!!! I KNEW IT!!! No production as of yet so we continue!

Plot 9 is also baddaydoctor but we find ourselves climbing a Mountain here


Plot 10 finally yields a Rare and this is a Natural Bog owned by baddaydoctor too!

Plot 11 finds us with back to back Rare Natty Bogs but this one is owned by the one and only @royal-eagle 😁 it looks like they have a tiny Grain Farm in the works with about 4.1k Production going into it!

Plot 12 is a Common Natty Swamp also owned by Royal Eagle with another teeny tiny Farm being built with 1.9k Production.

Plot 13 is @acrocanthosaurus - say that a few times fast 😵... it's a Common Natty Bog and they're not building anything yet...

Plot 14 is mobetare again and they're building a tiny Farm with 1.7k PP

Plot 15 @immortalgods with a super tiny Farm being built on their C (N) Bog. 598 PP are working on this so we'll have to check back later for an update.

Plot 16 is another immortalgods Farm on a C (N) Bog but this one has 2.1k PP going into it!

Plot 17 is a vacant C (N) Bog owned by Star-Shroud again :)

Plot 18 is owned by @brodo-swaggins (my alt) and it is an Epic Natural Bog that is currently empty as I am still looking for workers!

Plot 19 is another Star-Shroud C (N) Bog and it is also vacant

Plot 20 is... Seemingly out of place... like it was transported here from another realm... a tingling sensation runs down my spine as we emerge from the Bogs into a... Jungle?

Wil-O-the-Wisp's flit about as we take in the scenery of Star-Shrouds Common Magic [Life] Jungle!! Nice find :)

Plot 21 is Mobetare again with another C (N) Bog and this one has 3.2k PP building a Grain Farm for them!

Plot 22 is owned by @beansy and they have not Surveyed it just yet - we'll see what this Plot holds at a later time!

Plot 23 is owned by the @peakmonsters Legend himself - @jarvie woohoo!! Jarvie has a C (N) Bog here with a small Grain Farm being built with 8.2k PP going into it!

Plot 24 is another unsurveyed Plot owned this time by @cannonwar - I hope you get a Legendary Occupied!!

Plot 25 is another Brodo-Swaggins property and it is a Rare Natty Bog and it too sits dormant as I fill my lands with workers as I can.

Plot 26 is my neighbor Star-Shroud again and this is back to back R (N) Bogs!

Plot 27 is acrocanthosaurus again with a C (N) Bog

Plot 28 feels special... tingly... and it's Star-Shroud with another Common Magic [Water] Bog!! Great job Star-Shroud, that's a Magic Life and now Water so far!

Plots 29-33 are owned by @revisesociology and they are currently Unsurveyed, with Plot 29 up for sale on the market!

Plot 34 is a new face here - @theukm owns this C (N) Bog and it's dormant so we'll come back to see what happens here!

Plot 35 is definitely triggering Deja Vu as it is also a dormant C (N) Bog owned by theukm!

Plot 36 is giving Twilight Zone vibes as it is also an empty C (N) Bog owned by... theukm... what is happening here... ARE WE LOST?!?


We interrupt this program for some important life advice:

"If you feel lost and as if you are going through Hell... KEEP GOING."

That's right friends - we've all been beaten down by life and it is important to remember that when you feel lost and things are hard... just keep going. Staying in Hell can suffocate you. One foot in front of the other. Focus on what's just in front of you... and keep going.

Back to Praetoria we find ourselves upon Plot 37...

Plot 37 is mobetare again with a Common Natural Swamp. They've got a tiny Farm underway with 1.4k PP #SwampLyfe #ShrekkinIt

Plot 38 is owned by the new face @clashwitherds - welcome to Glorhiel! They Claimed and Surveyed a Common Natural Bog. It's not being developed at the moment so they probably have other land somewhere...

Let us take a quick respite here... as the next segment is the reason I am excited to write this piece 😍


I have a very strong Faith but I don't speak about that much here. In fact, I haven't mentioned it at all...

Today though... I woke up and as I looked around the Land section on Splinterlands I heard the all too familiar voice in the back of my head... "It is time, do it now..."

What this meant, to me at least, was it was time to claim my Plots that I had been saving. I was saving them to find a Keep/Castle... but for some reason, today was the day.

I'd heard and ignored that voice before... only to see a Keep claimed 2-3 plots later 😭

So I took my 21 Plots I had saved and bought an additional 20 Plots using every penny available from my SPS:DEC LP and weekly Crypto purchase...

So let's take a look at what unfolded and did I get that Keep/Castle or did I waste a whole bunch of money lol

Read on to find out!!!

Plot 39 is yet another Common Natural Bog and was the first Plot I surveyed

Plot 40 is the twin of 39 and is a C (N) Bog

Plot 41 saw a brief change in scenery as it was revealed as a Common Natural Swamp

Plot 42 was the first "improved" Plot I Surveyed an it came in as a Rare Natural Bog

Plot 43 is back to the Swamp as it Surveyed as a C (N) Swamp

Plot 44 is a tingly one!! It turned out to be a Common Magic [Water] Bog!!

Woohoo!! That's a pretty good find but I hope to find better!!

Plot 45 is yet another C (N) Swamp

Plot 46 is another tingly one!! Common Magic [Death] Bog!! Wooohoo!!

Plot 47 is back to back tingly!!! This one is another Common Magic [Death] Bog!!

Heck yeah, three Magic Plots is pretty good... let's keep going!!

Plot 48 is what this Tract is known for... Common. Natural. Bog.

Plot 49 is more of the same

Plot 50 you know what... I'll let you guess... If you guessed "Is it a Common Natural Bog?"... Why yes... yes it is... 🙃

Plot 51 Oh... Look! Upgrades!! It's a Rare Natural Bog lol 😄

Plot 52 and hold the phone... we're out of the Boggy Swampy Marhes and into... Hills? This one is a Common Natural Hill!

Plot 53 is WOAH there!! Now we're talking!! Epic Natural Hill!! Let's GOOO!!

Plot 54 is giving off static electricity vibes... because it's a Common Magic [Dragon] Hill!!

Plot 55 is back to basics as we find ourselves uncovering a C (N) Hill

Plot 56 is... Oh... I see... Back here... Le sigh... it's a Common Natty Bog 😅

Plot 57 is slightly better! It's a Rare Natty Bog!!

With all the Bogs and Swamps... where the hell am I??? Oh wait...


Plot 58 is... Back to the Common Natty Bog...

Plot 59 is ooooh another tingly one!! Common Magic [Water] Bog

Plot 60 finds us right back in the C (N) Bog soup lol

Sheeeeeesh this isn't very exciting lol

Plot 61 is another warp tunnel back to the C (N) Hills

Who laid out the borders of this Tract - they're fired!

Plot 62 is a nicer hills... Rare (N) Hills!

Plot 63 is wait... what? A... Common Natural... Jungle?!? Apparently... yes.

Plot 64 is a C (N) Hills and I'd love to find something exciting in here!!

Plot 65 is okkkkkkkkk wish granted!! Epic Natural Hills!! Lets go!!!

Plot 66 is back to the slums... C (N) Hills

Plot 67 is a trip from the slums to the dang sewers... C (N) Bog...


I feel like this is me after surveying so many Bogs!!

Plot 68 is no better... It's a C (N) Swamp

Plot 69 (nice) is a C (N) Bog... not nice lol... I have so many at this point...

Plot 70 is back to the countryside... C (N) Hills for me!

Plot 71 a copy of 70... C (N) Hills...

Many of these are going to go up for sale lol...

Plot 72 is a tingly hill!!! Common Magic [Dragon] Hills!! Woohoo!

Plot 73 & 74 are both C (N) Hills... yawn...

5 Plots Left... I am getting nervous... I haven't gotten anything extraordinary... I am hoping to find a Keep/Castle or maybe a Legendary... Something!!!

Plot 75 is a Rare Natural Jungle - which is weird but also different and cool!

Plot 76 is a Common... Natural... BAWG...

3 Plots left...


Plot 77... Epic Natural Bog!! Hell yeah!!! Not exactly what I was wanting but it's good!!

Plot 78 finds us back at the hillside... with a Common Natural Hills... womp womp...

Last plot... I have cracked 40 of my 41 Plots... I haven't gotten any Occupied... I haven't gotten an Epic Magic... or any Legendary...


Please for the love of God... hear my prayers...

Clicks Survey



I did it... I found it... I FOUND THE KEEP!!!!

Plot 79... Ladies and gentlemen... is my very first KEEP!!!


I am so excited to have one of these!! I have wanted one but couldn't afford to buy one... so I saved up Plots over time and then BOOM!! On my VERY LAST PLOT... I surveyed this Keep!!!!!!




Yeah... that's the kinda energy I had this morning 😁😁😁

Ok... so now I got this Keep thingy... what the heck do I do with it???


Ok whatever... but I don't actually know how it works lol... guess I'll find out!!


Something like that... I'll keep you guys updated with my Keep Diary lol!!

Anyways, that's it for the Land Update now let's head back to the studio for the Market Report!!

Coming to you LIVE, from the @peakmonsters Financial Desk courtesy of @jarvie and @asgarth we give you your long awaited, always satisfying, never disappointing, unfortunately not-so-WEEKLY... LAND MARKET UPDATE!!!

Let's see what updates and possible deals we can find in the Peakmonsters Land Market Tab!!

It has been quite some time since we last looked at Land and we were hovering around $23 for the Floor Price of Land... That means the Lowest Price I found for a Common Natty Trashlands was $23... what is it now??

What about the Magical... the Occupied (bleh) and the Legendary/Mythics?!? I can't wait to see how they've changed!

Natural Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (1,666) [+210]: $10.499 {-$12.501 🤢 from Previous Report} -- "NEW MARKET LOW!!"
Rare (371) [+64]: $22.849 {-$11.151 😵 from Previous Report} -- "NEW MARKET LOW!!"
Epic (90) [+7]: $79.99 {-$39.01 😱 from Previous Report} -- "NEW MARKET LOW!!"
Legendary (14) [NC!]: $499 {+$100 from Previous Report} -- Hmmm... These are holding their value!!

Magical Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (129) [-46!!]: $52.99!! {+$25.99 from Previous Report} -- These are making a comeback and supply is drying up...
Rare (61) [+10]: $89 {+$37 from Previous Report} -- Oh myyyyy...
Epic (21) [NC]: $175 {-$25 from Previous Report} -- Interesting Supply/Price Action here...
Legendary (7) [+3]: $695 {-$104 from Previous Report} -- That seems like a CRAZY good deal from @xorcyst ... but I'm not sure... it's been sitting there 3 Months...

Let's head over and take a look at the Atrocities that they call "Occupied Plots"...

Occupied Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (63) [+24]: $114.99 {-$50.001 from Previous Report} -- NEW MARKET LOW!
Rare (21) [+2]: $169.999 {-$69.001! from Previous Report} -- 8 Rare Occupied UNDER $200!
Epic (7) [+5]: $775 {-$100 from Previous Report} --
Legendary (3) [+2]: $2,800!! {-$5,200 from Previous Report} -- Prices have come down a bit from before lol

Do with this data as you will!!! It's not financial advice, just data and my observations, with a humorous twist!

Coming up next, Mythics!

Mythic Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Keep (23) [+12]: $600 {-$1,180 👽 from Previous Report} -- $600 for a Keep?!?! HOLY CRAP!!!!
Castle (2) [NC]: $13,500 {+$2,500 from Previous Report!}

Land Claim (# Available) [+/- #]: High Bid$/$Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Plot Claim (73) [-8]: $9 Bid/$48 Mkt Price {-$41 Bid/-$30.99 Ask}
Tract Claim (3) [-2!]: $1 Bid/$11,500 Mkt Price {-$3,499 Bid/+$4,000 Ask} -- "The price on these has definitely shot up since March!!"
Region Claim (1) [NC]: $1.05 Bid/1 For Sale -- "Deer3 has lowered their price to ONLY $88,888.88" Quite the bargain 😅

@deer3 has not responded to tags for questioning unfortunately so their motives remain unclear... so cool to see though!


That's it folks, we've reached the end of the Land Update!! I shall continue to refine these as we go along and I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments!!


Here's the Tl;Dr for those who want the info without reading the story 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭:


That's it. That's all that matters and I enjoyed typing this 😄

Thank you for joining me, even those who skipped to the Tl;Dr at the end 😞


Make sure you click the "Follow" Button and please leave your feedback, comments and thoughts below!!

I'd love to have you join me in-game and you can sign up at this link:


Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

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