Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge




All units have the Fury ability.

Units with Taunt will take double damage from units with Fury.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click Here to see the Battle

About the Battle:

Beside the Ferocity ruleset there is an only magic units and divine shield rulesets, thanks to the ferocity ruleset my opponent didn´t pick the life taunt unit with void ability, I would just lost in that case, We both pick a level 4 Mystic Elven that reduce opponent magic damage by 1 , my opponent chose a level 3 GrandMaster Rathe as his summoner together with Adelade Brightwing make a very hard battle on only magic , I just pick Tarsa because Fire was the color I have with better magic damage from the options we had, though I would just lose but manage to do a great fight somehow.

My Cards:

Level 1 Efreet Elder

Even the level 1 Has The higher health of all my current options, there is one legendary with Void ability but didn´t have it, could be a good idea rent just the level 1 for this cases.

Level 2 Ifrit Rising

My second tank with the second highest health.

Level 3 Magi of Chaos

Neutral card with great magic damage, everyone should have a level 3 or higher.

Level 2 Sorriel The Bale

One of my highest damage dealers of this fight with his Double Strike, unfortunately the damage reduction hit him hard.

Level 4 Djinn Inferni

My highest damage dealer.

Level 4 Elven Mystic

The hero of the fight, reduce the damage of all opponent magic users, normally is my only advantage on this type of fights but here my opponent had one too.

Second Round

Third Round

Does not look too good for me.

Fourth Round

Still looking bad for me , while I had my last 4 units , he has 5 units and his Void Armor plus repair.

Fifth Round

Things star to look better, I had more damage then him that is way I getting close to him.

Six Round

Seven Round

Finally take down his Adela, now without repair victory is mine.

Eight Round

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