The return of rebellion card reviews episode 5 death commons

Hello It is I once again butops here and back with the rebellion card reviews uehhhhyeeeeehhhhhh

yeah its been months since i started this series and lost my way making it but here I am once more continuing it now we are at the death commons so sit back relax and enjoy reading the reviews of these cards based on how I used them so without further ado lets do this

So first off we have the

CHaos animator


a lofty 3 mana card without any attacks but is good at low mana amplifying anything from reflect, thorns and whatnot sure it doesnt have any attacks but a good whack of weapons trainer can seal the deal on this thing and dont forget the void so if this is paired with thaddius brood no magic attacker can damage this card well that or some high magic attack card pretty much decks this thing or a high physical or ranged damage card can destroy it but never fear as with any sacrificial card it has the suicidal redemption ability at max levels with its 7hp a decent card yes but not totally useless in battles unlike the buffalo ok moving on to card numero dos

Anna-chei botanist oh wait didnt read it right its AHNA-chei botanist


is it pronounced chey or kay i dunno i dont have a megaphone.....

ok this card is a low mana card with no attack seriously why 2 units with no attacks on death well its not really a fodder card thats for sure since it has anti ranged counters and blind as well as dispel on its arsenal at max level but man look at that speed at level 9 wow pair it with that death summoner with evade and this card will go places also sthispa if you have her when u gotta use dragon to remedy this guy its gonna need some weapons training wither from the moxian rebel or from that other one the free soulbound death legendary

next up would be

New SSkah drudge


seriously whats with the snake names?

well very decent ranged unit with 2 points of ranged damage 3 when getting to level 8 and above
attacks do not miss because of no miss ability and because its a snake (lol) makes the enemy unable to heal itself once it gets to level 6 but is useless with units that have immunity but other than that a solid common card of the backline variety but what bothers me is why its holding a chair oh wait now i get it throw a chair and it never misses especially if your mom throws it dude im not making a joke here its true ok off topic now lets go to card number 4

fenmoor haunt


dude this is a must have for the death splinter compare it with the stitch leech in light and the pelacor bandit and you have yourself a card thats on par with them not to mention on level 5 gains the void ability so its good against those nasty snipe mages it also gains scavenge once at max level so you know this guy lasts the final legs of your battles only flaw of this is its defense which has no armor but nevertheless this guy does the job when in melee battles especially if its low mana and equalizer matches

then last but not the least we have the summoner


seriously the twister to pronounce this guy

well lets be short
low mana summoner thats perfect for dual element play thats just what it does but you know fire and death just have that sync that makes you both use them in many ways possible thats just what it does since it doesnt have abilities but is a budget summoner nonetheless

so there that finishes my post for this week
as you know I do this live on my channel at butopstv so you know I dont plagiarize anyone

and of course of you are interested in splinterlands as a new player here then here is my referral code for you to start the game

so once again this has been butops
have a nice day

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