Social Media Challenge - Legendary Dragon Babies Brawl Report

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Hello fellow Splinterlanders, brawl fanatics and other mad creatures!

We are the:

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We are part of a larger German SPL gaming community, the Legendary Dragons, with 14 guilds brawling in various tiers. Our leading guilds, the Legendary Dragons and the Legendary Wyverns play in tier 4 and rank in the top 20. The Legendary Dragon Babies are currently playing in tier 2 and are ranked #130. Here is our Brawl Report #174!

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We had an excitingly close brawl this time! Our main and only significant opponent, Tom Yum Goong #58, was not going to let us take first place. We thought we didn't have a chance against a guild ranked so much higher than us, but during the final hours of the brawl, we did amazingly well to catch up. In the end we were even on points only to let Tom Yum Goong take the lead as a result of the higher ranking. So here is a shout-out to Tom Yum Goong for being a worthy opponent and a big applause to our Dragon Babies for such a strong team effort!

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Our battle stats are well worth noting once again: 65 wins from 99 bouts, which gave us a 66% winrate. It is also worth mentioning the big 51 point lead ahead of third placed Mitriman Squad. This is a great performance from the Dragon Babies but we are striving for more. Still looking for Diamond players, we want to return to tier 3 soon. If you are looking for a top competitive guild und sprichts gut Deutsch, then check out the bottom of the post!

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Top battling, Dragon Babies! Tomtidom74 brought in a big 21 points score and vanhalen made more than music! Our officers, h3llrais3r and vaecher, are right up there again, too! Congratulations to all the brawlers for a top performance!

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My brawl stats in this brawl are below average with a 3:3 50% winrate. I have to give playing the Bronze Beta fray more thought. Although I rented all the cards I need, including summoners, it didn't work out so well but I guess Tom Yum Goong took one of the wins away, leaving 2 unnecessary losses. Many say, in Beta fray it comes down to the gladiator because everyone rents for it.

Speaking of gladiators, here are the 2 packs I opened:

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Nothing spectacular here today but GFs are always welcome :))

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In the BATTLE-OF-THE-DAY segment, we have a 51 mana bout with the rulesets Taking Sides and Fire and Regret. The 3 splinters are Fire, Earth and Dragon.

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Well, when the green splinter is open, Quora ain't banned and I have tons of mana, I go for the Earth deck, no question about it. Then there is the bonus, that Quora is not affected by Fire and Regret.

Here is the battle:

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At first sight, I knew that this would likely go my way, with the limited number of cards chosen by my opponent (or his bot) and also fielding 2 archers in a return fire setting. Actually, it was quite close at some point, as Chimney Wallstop put up quite a fight, check it out:

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SPIRIT OF THE FOREST went first at the Fire Spitter and collected 2 hits back. Both enemy archers then attacked the frontline, followed by return fire. Quora delivered a nice magic hit. STONESPITTER ORC took all of Wallstop's shield, followed by by a magic hit on him by MAGI OF THE FOREST. The ORC was then dusted by Wallstop, who Bloodlusted.

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SPIRIT OF THE FOREST shot first again and took out the Mystic. The two enemy archers hit their targets again to reduce REXXIE to 3 health. Two hits on Wallstop followed but he then dusted REXXIE to Bloodlust again. He was getting very powerful with relatively low health. Then MAGI OF THE FOREST took 2 more health from Wallstop, which looked very good for an imminent gladiator death.

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Both Lightning Dragon and Fire Spitter then took their leave, as they were hit by return fire from FLESH GOLEM. Yet Wallstop recovered by Bloodlusting a third time, when he gobbled up the GOLEM. That was hairy for a moment but then QUORA flew in. She delivered a double hit to strip Wallstop of all his power. MAGI OF THE FOREST then appeared again and ended the battle.


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Brawler of the day? Again, who else but QUORA! She didn't get much action today and didn't play a deciding role, but it was good to have her unscathed in the middle of the pack to protect the backline, should it have come down to the wire.

I hope you enjoyed today's brawl report!

See you around Splinterheads!

For all brawl results of the Legendary Dragons guilds this week, please click here:


Are you a passionate brawler and speak some German? Enough to keep up with general chat in discord? Then come and join the Legenday Dragons! It will change your brawling experience and enrich you as a player!

Die Legendary Dragons Gilden sind eine deutschsprachige Community. Wir suchen weiterhin neue Spieler, die bereit sind einen monatlichen Beitrag zum Aufbau der Gilde zu leisten. Wir bieten Unterstützung und eine super Community mit internen Turnieren und viel Know How. Meldet euch bei uns in der Discord Lobby mit euerem SL Namen und stellt euch kurz vor (18+):

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Thanks to Legendary Dragons for logo and linebreaks

Title background image from Creative Fabrica

Other background images from the game Dragon nest

All gaming images belong to

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