Battle Mage Secrets Challenge - Ferocity


Hey Splinterheads, I hope you are all having a great Splinterday!

The Battle Mage Secrets Challenge is a wonderful and effective way to get to know rulesets better and improve your gameplay. Not only do you study and analyse rulesets and example battles closely, you also get to read and see what other Splinterheads are thinking and doing with their little darlings on the battlefield.

With many battles now being comprised of 3 rulesets, it is important to know your rulesets well, how they relate to other rulesets and what corresponding cards work well to either exploit the ruleset or defend against it. We have also seen a number of new rulesets coming into the game lately and a bunch of new monsters have received new abilities.

The game is becoming more and more technical, leaving you with ever decreasing chances of winning battles with sheer brute force and overkill strategies. All these reasons and the clear challenge that players (and bots unfortunately) are getting „smarter“ all the time underscore the need to know rulesets very well. The Battle Mage Secrets Challenge helps and motivates us players further to do just that.

Today's ruleset in focus is Fog of War.

RULESET: Ferocity


All units have the Fury ability.

Taunt monsters take double damage from units with Fury.

Working with the Ferocity ruleset is simple: don’t use a Taunt monster. Other than concentrating on additional rulesets, if there are any, the best thing to do is trying to anticipate the kinds of teams and strategies used by your opponent and putting the strongest and most well-balanced team together to send into the battlefield. So basically, this ruleset itself can mostly be ignored. On the other hand, I have slipped up several times in the past doing so and fielding a Taunt in my team when forgetting the ruleset. As a Taunt fan I now pay more attention to the Ferocity ruleset…

I don’t have much more strategic talk to add to this ruleset, so I am looking forward to reading a variety of other players’ posts on this subject.


The battle I have chosen to look at closely today has the Ferocity and Tis but Scratches rulesets with a mana cap of 49. The available splinters are Fire, Water and Life.

Here is the team I put together:

Needing no introduction, KELYA FRENDUL is the best Chaos Legion summoner and features in most of my Water Battles.

LEMELL REFUGEE is my choice of frontline tank as, looking at the last five battles of my opponent using mostly Water magic teams, I am anticipating lots of magic attack directed at my little darlings in this battle. Void Armour will play an important role here.

BAAKJIRA, with Void and Slow willl slow down and reduce magic attack to give my team a greater chance of delivering increased attack at higher speed.

Sir DJINN OSHANNUS is my favourite Void monster and he will also reduce enemy magic attack. Phase will also give him the added opportunity to be missed by enemy magic attack altogether.

I Like COASTAL NYMPH for her Scattershot 3 range attack, making her a powerful wildcard while well protected by 3 shield.

DEEP LURKER is always in my Water lineups. He is only absent when he is on cooldown... but that never happens. I consider this nasty little customer one of the most powerful cards in the game.

KULU SWIMHUNTER is a great 'plug' in the last position. At low mana cost and 4 speed, he does good work to help the team win battles.


As I anticipated, my opponent fielded a heavy magic team. At first glance I thought I had little prospects of winning this battle as there was high magic attack, Inspire and Resurrect on the opposing team. My opponent also placed a Void Armour monster in the first position, which would be difficult to deal with when resurrected.


The beginning of round 1 looked promising for my team when the opposition tank was wiped out in a flash, yet resurrected immediately. The Sea Stalker then missed, which was significant due to his 5 range destructive capability. Lemell Refugee barely survived the round.


Lemell Refugee was dusted bringing Baakjira to the front. Sea Stalker missed again, which meant that my team avoid 10 damage from this guy so far, tipping the scales. Then Legionnaire Alvar also missed.


Alvar was taken with the first shot in round 3. Other than Deep Lurker toasting River Hellondale, the rest of round three was pretty uneventful.


In round 4 my dear Baakjira had to go but the highlight of the round was Lemell Refugee landing a perfectly place Scattershot to get rid of the camouflaged Sea Stalker. Deep Lurker took the Marksrat, giving Runemancer Kye a boost, but this comes so later that it will not alter the expected outcome of the battle.


Round 5 was the bginning of the end for the opposing team with Oshannus departing without incident.


Round 6 left only Kye standing, being finished off by my team of 4 in a flash. Game over.



Who other than DEEP LURKER?!

3 kills! Wow, this guy has an insatiable appetite for war!


This was another easy fight, but only because I anticipated correctly, that a heavy magic opposition would be fielded and implemented solid anti-magic magic measures with Void Armour and Void. I got some lucky misses and Scattershots found the right targets. This underlines the strategy to concentrate on attack power and anticipating the enemy's moves. Apart from that, the ruleset Ferocity was a non-event.

See you around Splinterheads!

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