All I want for Christmas is a Scarred Llama

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I have exhausted all avenues in telling my family I want a Scarred Llama for Christmas. They just don't get it so I have decided I am going to save up my Hive rewards as a little Make a Wish Foundation for myself. It may take a while but I am going to increase my post frequency to get him over the line before Santy comes on the 25th of December. That gives me a month to achieve post rewards of around $180 which when you go 50%/50% it will give me the $90 in HBD to buy the legendary summoner.
Truth be told I have spent all my liquid Hive post rewards on my Splinterlands deck since my return to Splinterlands only to find that everybody who stuck with it was in Champion and made a few bob in the bull run. I was early to the party and then left the party but when I rejoined the party, I found out that I missed the best bits so now I am waiting around for the next party in a hope it will be even better than the first party. When the NFT craze started I never put 2 + 2 together and realised that I was one of the first owners of an NFT which were the Alpha cards. Anyway enough feeling sorry for myself.

**So why do I want the scarred Llama?? **
Well first of all doesn't everybody. He's the jewel in the crown . Look at him. +2 , last man standing and purify which is madness really. It is a one way ticket to win combos.

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Second of all, i hate when I play someone with Llama so I wanna be one of them guys that has one. Combined with Thor or Quora then you are nearly guarenteed a win so it will be a nice weapon to have.

Thirdly when I came back this geezer was over $190 quid. Yes I know he will probably be reallocated to wild but I love him none the less and earth was the deck that got me back on my feet at splinterlands.

I am going the savings route because it is hard to tell the wife you would like a Llama digital jpeg for Christmas. She is appalled by me at the best of times and this would only send her down the road of thinking I am a complete nutter altogether so it's best to keep this one on the QT and just go about saving for it quietly with post rewards. I will just have to increase my Hive Satirical posts where I find a victim to slag off in a post and hope they don't take offence.

I have a knack of making fun of my best friends the most so if you think the satirical posts are about you well that means I care about you more than the others.

But what if I did tell the wife to get me a scarred Llama. How the feck would she navigate the world of Splinterlands and Hive to get one. Like as a mere human, would I be confident she could navigate through the realms of Hive and Splinterlands to stumble upon a summoner (What's a summoner?) then buy credits which I believe would be the easiest way to buy me my Christmas present. There is a better chance of Santa bringing it to me from lapland really because there is no way she would be able to do it. It is actually easier to buy a real Llama than this one I imagine.

I am posting this in the Splinterlands community so if you do support this post then you will meet me in battle with a well oiled Llama to deal with and it may be detrimental to have another user popping up playing Llama as I am very active at the moment in the game. So in theory it is not in your best interests to upvote this post. If you are in silver or gold maybe it is in your best interests to downvote me as a way of delaying the inevitable. In a few months time you will see my name pop up in a guild battle or a ranked battle. You will remember that you supported me in my endeavour to buy a Llama ( a second hand one at that). You will face my wrath and think back on your upvote that led to your future demise and ruined your win streak. You will then search back on my post a couple of months later and make a comment saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO foiled by my own stupidity of an upvote and lost my 25 match win streak. I will get you next time blanchy , next timmmmmmmeeeeeeee" and then your space ship will crash.


It will be like a back to the future type event where I warned you on what will occur. Either that or you just show up with Yodin or Kitty and whip my ass and comment that you beat me good.

So upvoters who play Splinterlands beware this may come back to bite you so don't say you have not been warned!

If this does work out and I get my Llama for Christmas I might try and get Yodin for Easter.I love a little target.

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