My six years of memories about Splinterlands

This is my entry post for the Social Media Challenge organized by splinterlands.


Six years has already passed. I think it is just like yesterday. I am an old school for Splinterlands. Before releasing Splinterlands I has asked one of the authority "Is Splinterlands gameplay is like Vanguard?". He said no and show me the game play video. At that time all are Alpha nad Beta cards. At that time it is the era of Steem and Hive is not appeared yet. I liked Life Splinter too much so I focused on the Life Spinter. All card except Life Splinter is at Silver League but Life Splinter's cards are at Gold league level. So I can climb to Champion III. After that I quit from the Steem and Splinterlands I sold a lots of cards especially Life Splinter cards.

After a long time I come back to Hive. I can still play Splinterlands. It also works on Hive. I regret sell my Life Splinter cards. I can not buy my cards back. Now all of my Beta cards are at SIlver League level expect some cards I did not sell at that time. My Chaos cards are at higher level than Beta cards. I did not have Alpha cards.

At my first time playing I missed Lands and Totems. After I come back I bought one for each. My second time playing is the boom of Splinterlands. I got airdrops and I also participate in a few important events. I participated in Chaos release but missed out Azure and Riftwatcher. I also bought 101 packs for Nightmare (Tower Defence). Second come back is very good for me. I met with very good friends. I joined the City of Neoxian and got a lots of support from than. THey helped me a lot in game and out of game. Thanks to @neoxian Sir and @xawi, @mango and @sayee. I also share my battle experience in Hive and got a lots of support from the people of neoxian, curators of Splinterlands and curators from bdcommunity. I spent the money I got from posts to buy some cards and assets in the game and enjoy playing my gaming life.

After enjoy playing some time I stop playing Splinterlands and stop posting in Hive due o my real life works. I started playing again two seasons ago and start posting one week ago. I have trouble logging into the discord so I can not connect with many of my friends but today I can log into discord. This is a good thing for me.


I would like to share my experience about Splinterlands gameplay. Firstly I am quite happy with the new changes. I stake more than 50000 SPS and I got a multiplier of 6.18. My basic earn rate per win is 375. That means I can not get lower than 375 Glint if I won a battle. Everyday I could buy an Epic card or I could buy 10 Rare cards. I could buy at least two Legendary cards per season. This is quite good for me. I am reaping that some thing I sow in the past. Even someone in Champion section did not get as much as me. I did not know why it is more easier to play this time. I can reach to Champion III easily. Maybe because they used their cards as workers in Lands. Maybe they do not need cards to buy so the high rank players are stop playing.

Sorry for a lots of words and less images.






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@mmunited aka @beyondhorizonmm

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