Alphawog's Unloved Cards #3 (With Give-Away)

Welcome to the 3rd edition of Alphawog’s Unloved Cards! I’ll be highlighting cards that are relatively cheap and don’t seem to be played often. And since the cards are affordable, I can run a giveaway for a copy.

This week's monster is often one of the cheaper Rares from the Chaos Legion invasion. It is an excellent card, but I almost never see it on the other side. I'm guessing it's because it doesn't synergize with Tarsa's abilities, in an obvious way. He's a starter card, but I think he's worth leveling.


The Djinn Apprentice is a bad ass card. For 1 Mana more that popular Magic attacking Neutrals, he has 1 more Magic attack and 1 more Health. He's the cheap killing machine you want to help deal with Serpent of Eld, Living Lava, Mycelic Infantry, Chaos Knight, Cursded Windeku, Djinn Chwala, and probably a dozen more. Pair him with Djinn Inferni and some of the best common tanks in the game get melted. This card is part of the reason I'm playing Fire way more frequently. Having a Magic option to counter Water and Life makes Fire way stronger.


At the high end of Silver play he gains another point of attack and a point of speed. 3 Magic attack at 3 Speed is a lot of bang for your buck. In Gold he'll gain Deathblow, allowing him to bat cleanup and help counter Llama/Kron or those pesky Self Healing monsters.

Give-Away Rules

Comment below with your Splinterlands account name (if different that your posting account) and your opinion of the Djinn Apprentice.
I’ll pick a random winner and post the result on my next edition of Alphawog's Unloved Cards.

Previous Give-Away Winner Time

From a list of 22 entrants, last week's winner is....


Congratulations @polar99


And a double congratulations, because I accidentally sent you a copy of Djinn Apprentice too. Hope you enjoy them both.

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