Alphawog's Unloved Cards #2 (With Give-Away)

Welcome to the 2nd edition of Alphawog’s Unloved Cards! I’ll be highlighting cards that are relatively cheap and don’t seem to be played often. And since the cards are affordable, I can run a giveaway for a copy.

This week's monster is a current reward card from the very bottom of the market (I grabbed a couple at 20 cents a piece). I don't think I've ever seen anyone play him against me. My first impression of the card was that it was useless. When I get that impression, I usually start thinking about what utility that monster could serve. The designers of this game are pretty genius, and I haven't found a single card that doesn't have a context that it's good in or a role to fill in a certain line-up.

The Gargoya Devil is an expensive monster at 7 cost. Honestly, I completely understand why he doesn't get any love. He's an expensive box of OK stats and abilities. I doubt he's making many Standard battle teams even with high mana caps. However, there's still somethings to love about even this wretched beast.

He has Flying and is a Neutral. Those two traits make him instantly valuable to high mana Earthquake matches. Occasionally, I take him in high mana Keep Your Distance battles. He also has Close Range giving him a chance to finish the job after the beefier monsters in front of him die.


As he level's he gains a point of speed, a point of damage, and then Deathblow. He still will be regulated to high mana matches, but Deathblow will make him even more of a beast in Earthquake matches.

Give-Away Rules

Comment below with your Splinterlands account name (if different that your posting account) and your opinion of the Gargoya Devil.
I’ll pick a random winner and post the result on my next edition of Alphawog's Unloved Cards.

Previous Give-Away Winner Time

From a list of 22 entrants, last week's winner is....


Congratulations @eman13088!


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