2x Djinn Renova & 1x Djinn Chwala Delegation for FREE for the end of season to two lucky winners + tips & tricks

End of Season is NIGH

So another season is about to come to an end in a few days and with that comes the great EoS rewards. In the last day or two, card rental prices spike up since many people are trying to gain as much Collection Power (CP) as they can so they can rise up higher in leagues and get more chests.


It's worthwhile to note that Bronze league rewards have been nerfed since there are too many robots around in Bronze, so the best place to aim if you are a new player (and get the non-nerfed rewards) is the Silver league (Silver League III is the optimal solution) - just being in the league when the counter hits 00:00:00 is enough to be eligible for the rewards.

Once you enter Silver, your opponents also become Silver players, and if you don't have some rare or leveled-up cards up your sleeves, you're in for a lotta pain to win against them. So here's what I do: I always try to hit 1000 rating - minimum requirement to be in Silver - on the day before the last day by doing constant battles and stopping once my rating is above 1000. Then I wait until there's less than a day left for the end of the season - so that I won't have to rent the cards for two days - then I rent the cards and get the minimum CP required for Silver (15K) and advance into Silver.

I don't battle on the last day, since I don't wanna risk losing my rating and being tossed back to Bronze - so just forget about the chest that day.
Also, it's always good to wait till the end of the season to start grinding for higher leagues, because the more advanced players have ascended to higher leagues (they'd been tossed back down because of the season reset) and you'll have a higher chance of winning battles consecutively.

Don't put off your grind for the last day, ONE, because you might get overwhelmed, and TWO, there might be some very late grinders on the last day, so you might have some trouble winning last day battles.

The Moment You've been waiting for:

I've been too busy these past few weeks and wanna take a break from the game for this season, so I'm delegating these cards to whoever needs them or just needs the CP so that they won't need to rent the pricey cards during the last day.



The Giveaway:
  • Comment your Splinterlands username + the card you want for delegation
  • Upvoting is not necessary, but is highly appreciated
  • Follow for more Splinterlands or Rising Star Giveaways
  • Cards are delegated when there are 2 Days left till the end of the season.
  • Cards are delegated for a week - so you can count on the CP and play around with them to get the hang of them if it's your first time having them.

Final Words:

It is my first time writing on PeakD and I'd love to have some feedback to better my content. Also, tell me which kind of giveaways you would like to see in the future.

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