A Trick To Make You Breeze Past Bronze and Silver


Have you ever experienced times wherein you were sure that you had a better lineup, and yet the enemy team seemed to win due to an unknown reason? Well, I've got a simple trick to enable you to easily breeze past Bronze and Silver.


The trick is to buy or rent monsters with increased levels, for as seen above, as the level of the monsters increase, its speed, damage, health and defense increase. In addition to this, every monster also gets an additional ability once it reaches a corresponding level.

But, it does not stop there, for these leveled-up monsters cannot be utilized until you use a summoner that has a level that is capable of summoning them, as seen below.


In my first 7 days of playing last season, I had a really hard time reaching Gold using level 1 monsters, but by simply leveling them up, I was able to easily get to Gold, and am in the Diamond Division, as of writing.


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