Tournaments, Prizes, defeats and glory!

I'm pretty new to Splinterlands so I haven't entered any many tournaments. I have however, browsed the events page several times always chickening out feeling out of my depth. Like "who am I to think I can compete with the players". Self defeating talk alert OMEGA! I was so in my head that I wouldn't even try.

That all changed today when I participated in not one, not two, but three tournaments! Eat that self hater within! What spurred me to action you ask? It was Infidel1258, he made an compelling argument of why banking on DEC solely/primarily is not a sound investment strategy. So that got me thinking about what other ways I could earn. That's when I noticed the prize pools of the tournaments, and a idea took me over with " what if I used my earnings from the tournaments to invest in chaos legion packs"? Mind blown!

So I bet your wondering how did I do...? Well my first tournament I bombed(not even epically I got a DNP), I didn't even get to play the a single match. My failure to READ allowed to miss the check in window...ugh. Next tournament! Hey at least I managed to get checked in and actually won a couple matches, downside; I was working at the time, and missed the timer resulting in me surrendering myself out of the second tournament.

The third tournament I was ready for! I was off work, and focused. Round one I had a bye...argh I was ready to give someone this work! In the second round, like a Viking i conquer the first two matches losing the third; so on to the next round we go. Round three I opens with a loss, but I sweep the last two like a BOSS making my way to round four! Round four was the end of the road for me, ran into a power house, and got folded like fresh laundry!


It's not all bad though, I actually received 5 sps for ranking 31st! It's not much, but it is my first prize! Now that I know its possible for me to win something, I'm aiming for the top from here on out! See you there!

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