Progress on the road to becoming the BEST in Splinterlands

Splinterlands is the top play to earn blockchain game in the world! I have enjoyed engaging with the community and learning as I play the game. This game rewards you for your Time, Investment, and Attention. Now we may not all have the "Investment"( there are some whales out there) required to compete at the highest levels, but I'm proof that with practice, determination and planning you can compete; and in time earn. I'm relatively new to Splinterlands, I been playing since October of this year, and have experienced a lot with this game. I hit the newbie earning wall when DEC rewards got nerfed, and then the skill gap that kept me stuck in Bronze 3...ugh. Call my a glutton for punishment if you want, but I Believed in the vision of this game and wasn't willing to give up on it with out giving my all.

How did drag myself out of Bronze 3 to Gold 3 and even place in a tournament? It's actually pretty simple, I studied! I consumed as much content from the likes of @infidel1258 , @luke-wtp , and @oldmanqt. Then I started reviewing my battles, especially the losses. In doing so i learned two valuable things; one you can view the battle history from any player on the battle page with their IGN (I recommend checking out some of the players in the tournaments), and two positioning, Positioning, and lastly POSITIONING! I realized that most of my losses(except for Yodins and Mylor's) where lost based on the placement of my monsters, not what cards I did or didn't have. Combine this with reviewing battles of @skipples and @yozen , I was able to see how to more effectively position my teams.

The result ........I placed 17th in a tournament with a 6-1 record....whoop whoop! The tournament victor only(πŸ˜‹) had a record of 7-0 @unkef and had serious power advantage over me! Now being transparent, I did benefit from some surrenders (But hey us little fish take wins when we can😎) which is why I ended up 17th, but man it feels good to be in the top 20!

Next stop the top ten, and then Pinky....we will take over the world! So if your new going through the weeds....keep at it! Most importantly enjoy the process and before you know it you will take leaps and bounds!

P.S. on discord my name is GnikDOG#9881, say hi, I'll gladly help in anyway can. I will even delegate power to newbies as I continue to grow my own collection. Happy Hunting!


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