You Might have seen me Splattin’ around ~ @splatz curation - No Bots Included ~ Just Real People & Original work

I’ve been cruising around the Blockchain leaving my mark here and there... A Splat here... a Splat there... just getting a feel for things if you will. I have a few minions that follow me around and upvote content that shows originality, hard work, effort and dedication. I’m sorry if I have Splatted on someone’s art piece in the past, I promise I will do it again if you keep creating those amazing works of art. Hey I figured I would warn ya


Let me just Splat this out on the table for all of you. This is how these Splattin’s are going to work. You see this is the @splatz curation trail and the type of content that is going to get Splatted to Blockchain bits must be...

  • Original, if the photo or gif isn’t yours make sure to leave the link to the original
  • EFFORT we want to see EFFORT non of this one photo and a few lines of text. Give me some detail, tell a story, add a few more photos... you know do some work like you actually care.
  • No specific genres: art, food, diy, family, travel... you get the point. Again... EFFORT
  • No Self-Splatting!! That means you can’t call on me to Splat one of your own posts. That is quite selfish, almost as bad as self-vooooo.... Moving on

See now that isn’t that bad now is it?? Simple and straight forward

So what do you do as a Steemian to get @splatz to pay a messy visit to a post you feel needs spread far and wide across the Blockchain... Simply leave them a comment, like you most likely do anyway when you enjoy a post, then at the bottom simply type: @splatz. What this will do is send a notification through the Steemify app letting the operators of this account know that @splatz has been called into work. Then the operators will take a look and curate the post. Simple, that is all you have to do when you find a post that is worthy of a good Splattin’. Just mention @splatz in your comment to the post you want curated.


Oh ya, as far as who will have the ability to send @splatz to curate a post, those steemians are @jlsplatts, @dandays, and @idig. They will acknowledge the call out with a reply and upvote, then upvote, resteem, and leave a good Splattin’ reply to the post. Then once a week a post will be made highlighting all the curated posts.


So if you want to see a wide variety of original content, give @splatz a follow. Maybe you want to show a fellow Steemian you appreciate their hard work and effort, just call me out in your reply. Now if you want to join the @splatz trail just head over to and log in. Then search for @splatz in the curation trails and set your account up to follow the @splatz trail. If you don’t understand I will be free to answer any questions you might have. This is a community curation account, so it’s up to the community, meaning you guys, to call on @splatz to curate those hard working Steemians.

Well I have got some Splattin’ to do, so I will see you on the @splatz trail

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